Chapter 27 - Kidnapped?

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~ Jacob ~

I can't draw any attention. I called the school and told the principal that I was gonna be out for a while. I even asked him for a favor, which I never do, but I can't put anymore suspicion with Lydia. I woke up and it was already dark. The door was open and my shirt with patches of her blood. I took it off and threw it on the couch. I felt like my head was pulsing like crazy. I gently rubbed my forehead only to find blood on my fingers.

"Motherfu...ugh..." I grabbed my phone and called the principal.

"Hello?" He sounded groggy.

"It's Jacob. I'll be out due to my sickness. Reckless me." I laughed nervously over the phone.

"No..No, take your time. You're students will be fine."

"Oh and I've recently had a house meeting with Lydia's parents. I'm sorry that I didn't tell you, it was REALLY last minute. I met them at a market while I was picking up some medicine and I ended having dinner with them. Sooooo.....pretty much a parent-teacher meeting."

"OK, once you come back. I'll put that on file." As soon it sounded like he was gonna hang up, I let out a cough. "Sleep on it Pann, don't die on me."

"Also, Lydia's mother told me to tell you that Lydia will be excused for a few week due to family issue. So, there's a chance that she's most likely going out of state. I'll let you know once her Mother is a 100% sure."

"Of course, I'll put that in the file. Get well soon."


' Police is a no-go. There's no one that has personal ties with her. The pub? Fuck...' I pace back and forth, clenching my phone. I feel lost and angry. My guard was down and she's gone. I grabbed another shirt and jacket, my phone went off.

Caller ID: Lydia

I picked up, hoping that she managed to escape. "Lydia! Baby, please tell me your OK. Where are you!?!?"

"Not with you. She's fine. It's your fault you know." 

'What?' "What! You fucking shot her! Where are you!"

He scoffs, "You couldn't even protect let her get shot. It was a test and you failed. She's my bed. Her wound is all covered and clean. See, I just saved her. You didn't."

"I'm gonna kill you. You're a sick bastard!"

"Yea, I'm sick. Love-sick. MMM...she's good enough to eat."

"Those will be the last words you ever say to her when I find you."

"Ha, tick...tock. Oh, she's waking up. Gotta go....I got boyfriend duties."

"Don't you dare lay a finger on her!"

"Let's play a game. You win, you have her. I win, we leave together and you'll never see her again. Deal?"

"You're sick. SICK!"


Anger, frustration, sadness....not this feeling again. "D...Deal."

"Good. Good. Let's play Simon says...." 'I'm gonna kill him.'

"Simon says, go to the school and erase my file. Can't leave memories behind now can I? Don't look in it. She looks uncomfortable in her, don't look in it. Just get rid of it and she stays intact." 

I ended up punching the wall, it left a hole with spots of blood from my knuckles. I can't lose her...I can't lose. 

"Oh, c'mon....can't be that hard." His snickers disgust me. "Tick Tock."


I slid down the floor, clenched my phone. "I...can't lose her...." Tears of frustration drip down my cheeks. "This can'"


Waking up to laughing, I felt so groggy. I turned my head, scanning the room. Definitely not mine or Jacobs. It was all wood, with crimson curtains, and a painting of a mountain. I leaned up, feeling the pain shot my side. "Ugh...shit..."

"Whoa. Whoa. Easy there. I just stitched you up."

I look up and push him away. "You! Fucking..." He held my hands and he looked at me with concerned eyes. 

"Look! You just got shot and I saved your ass." He stood back up and I looked at him. I shifted to the side, have my feet touch the floor.

"He shot you. I just saved you by bringing you here." I furrowed my eyebrows, holding my head. He then sat next to me, holding some gauze in his hands. "You trusted a killer."

I literally can't remember...I remember, standing in between and then I'm on the floor, black-out. "He? Who's he?"

"Your so called boyfriend. We met at a diner, you guys had problems to the point he gave you bruises on your sides. I knew you were hurt but I didn't want to make you uncomfortable. I just listened. We even go to the same school. Small world huh?" He smiled at me, I felt relief just to see a smile. "Chase...right?" I tried to get up, I lost balance. I caught myself but he held me anyways.

Everything was spinning. "Why...I thought..."

"I know...he didn't love you. I'm sorry but you were fooled...he doesn't deserve you. I..."

I look up at him tears, " You what? I know I'm stupid. I'm so..."

"No. You're beautiful and perfect. I wanted to protect you but wherever you went, he'd be there. Now you're here...and safe." His face was so close to mine, I looked down. He pulled my chin to his face, his body felt warm.

Images flash through my mind. I brushed my thumb on his lips. "C..Chase, I'm tired. Everything is spinning."

He smiled and got in bed with me. My face was on his chest, I felt nice but it felt....different. "Thank you." His arms were wrapped gently around me, he then kissed my forehead. That felt...different also.


Everything felt so good. It's coming true. She's holding me and my arms wrapped around her. Everything felt just right. Now all I do, is to keep her away from him. Fucking with her memory is bad but she can have new one's with me.

I'll protect her.

I'll love her.

No fights.

She's mine. 




Duh. Duh Duh.....OK no good memory of her and Jacob. What's gonna happen when Jacob finds her? or Chase?

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