Chapter 34 - Quiet Game

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~ Jacob ~

Graduation was almost here and since Lydia is so advanced in her classes that I didn't know about, she pretty much exempt from all of her classes except gym. Yes, gym classes have exam which I find ridiculous. Hours went by as I watch my students taking their final exams. Tapping their pencils, their test papers scratching around, feet tapping, ugh.....shut up! Next thing I know, I'm playing Candy Crush. Seriously, what's the bog deal? Oh yea, it's very addicting. Just like snapchat, oh yea. Lydia has one but never used it. Refreshing every 5 minutes just to get a snap, somehow the thought of that makes me feel at ease when I see her face, oh yea cuz I almost lost her. I see a notification and swiped to see a snap. Yes! Finally! I plug in my earbuds.

Lydia's Snap:

Video: "I'm here....dreading my way over but smiling to see you."

Video: "Oh...Shit, thought it was a cat. False alarm. HeHe."

Picture: - Blowing a kiss - 

Picture: - Locker Room - 

Picture: - mirror pic, caption: wait for it..... -

Warning to readers!

Picture: - laying on the bench only in bra and undies, biting lips - 

Choked on my own spit, made a few students look up and I calmly smiled for them to get back to work. I snapped her a pic back, captioning that her teases are gonna get her in trouble. She then snapped back of her hair over her bra-less chest with her biting her finger. She then snapped a video, thank god I had earbuds in. The screen was back, her telling me that she misses my touch. Feeling herself, moaning, telling me our "moments" while she was feeling herself. It's was kinda hard keeping my straight face while listening to her breathless moans in my ear. I then had my hand over my crotch, hoping that a student doesn't see. Then after all the snap videos, a pic appeared of her sticking her tongue out captioning haha gotcha. I scoffed and some students are giving me "WTF" looks. 

'Think. Think. Think.' 

I looked at the time and it was close to ending the exam for a block, " Alright 5 minutes, wrap it up." I felt jumpy....and horny, she was coming to my class but she'd just sit there and do nothing. I get a text from her that she might not come, my nose flared.

"Hey, not cool. Get ur ass over here."

"Nah...I'd only get bored. ;)"

"Then come help me file and put up textbooks."

"Fine ur buying me lunch."

My last batch of students are coming in and Lydia walked in last. She smiled but avoided looking at me.

"Alright, you know the drill. Phones in the Box, backpacks in the front, and sit where I placed your tests."

Blonde Bimbo: "How come Lydia gets to sit next to you?" Lydia shrugged at her and the bimbo gave her a death glare.

"She's exempt so I'm keeping her occupied by putting her in the backroom. Old, dusty. Organizing all our books."

Lydia: "Yay. Books."

"In you go, I'll check in 5."

I proctored, gave instructions on different versions of the tests, and told them to begin. Luckily they couldn't cheat because each class had their things in the front and I came up with at least 5 different versions of the tests.

Since the English teacher next door was done, I asked her to monitor the class while I needed to take an "emergency phone call." I rushed to the backroom only to find her actually stacking books and organizing them. She wore her black leggings, a spring v-neck shirt, and nikes. She took off her blazer and threw it on a chair.

"You know...You didn't really have to do anything."

She looked in my direction and roughly placed the books on a stroller. I walked up to her from behind and kissed her neck.

"I could've been at home. Sleeping. Catching up on a T.V show probably."

"But...I can't wait this long. I wanted to see you now. Don't you miss me?"

She then faced me and wrapped her arms around my neck. "I do but I can't show' you."

"You have 4 hours to show me what you mean." I picked her up from her ass and on to a table.

"Careful, you wouldn't want your students to hear you."

"Same goes to you." We kissed and I unloosened my tie, took off my shirt, and undid my pants.

"Easy there tiger, Don't you want the 4 hours to last?" I undressed her, down to her bra and panties. Kissing all over her, grinding my erection on her. Suppressing each other's moans with kisses. I got on the table with her but she placed on bottom.

"Let's play the Quiet Game."

I smirked, "You're on."


Tick Tock....




Comment your bets now, Who's gonna squeal?

Short but only had an hour to write this, big whoop.

Until the next update.


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