Chapter Five

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Lucy's POV

Today is my 10th birthday and I have been with Acnologia for exactly six years. I've mastered all the dragon slayer magics and have gained two new pairs of wings.

One pair of wings are Gorgon wings and they are made of sharp scales. In this form my hair luckily doesn't turn to snakes but they stick up like the ways snakes would. Also my hair is the color green. I also wear a suit of armor that is made of scales that change into different shades of green in the sunlight. In this form my eyes turn green and every time I look at someone they become stone for one hour. I can turn them back earlier, but I don't like to. Dad said it looks like I'm a gorgon in this form but the goddess of gorgons, the prettiest one.

The other pair of wings I gained are butterfly wings. At first I thought that this was a joke but it's not. In this form my wings become like butterflies and the wings reach from my head to ankles. They are a rainbow of colors and they change every few minutes. Also there is an intricate design on them. There are swirls, bubbles, and many more. My hair becomes blond and reaches my waist with a flower crown on top. The flowers all change color and are of the rarest kind. My clothing also becomes a dress that is pure white with a flower sash crossing it. My shoes are sandals that reach all the way to my knee and are brown and green. However I look the total opposite in my normal form.

In my usual form I have red eyes. Also my hair is black but it fades into a gray then a white at the bottom, and my hair now reaches my waist. Also I have bangs with are swept on the right side of my face and cover part of my right eye.

Today is also the day Acnologia leaves me. He said goodbye last night and will leave later today. He didn't tell me why but said he will always love me and remember me. I also know that the treasure will go into my bag and the cave will be invisible to everyone but Acnologia and me.

"Lucy." Acnologia roared as he came walking out of the cave. I was jerked from my thoughts as I was staring at the fire and quickly looked back at Dad.

I quickly used my dragon's eye since today was the last day I got to see Dad for some time and realized he was carrying a huge cake and a present with Stardust behind him. The cake was decorated with blue, black, and purple and I realized from the smell that the cake was chocolate, my favorite.

Dad and Stardust quickly came to the fire, in his human form, and sat down on a log. He carefully placed the cake down and told me to make a wish. I wanted to wish for Acnologia not to leave, but I knew that wasn't possible so I wished for Acnologia to one day come back to me.

I blew out the candles in one breath and glanced back at Daddy and Stardust. Daddy had teary eyes and it looked like he was crying. He quickly came over and enveloped me in a hug when I felt teardrops dripping onto my head.

"I'm so sorry I have to leave. Promise me that you'll live your life to the fullest." Daddy said while hugging me.

"I promise." I said before wrapping my arms around him. I heard Stardust moving away, wanting to give us a bit of time.

"Also know that you are the princess of dragons and celestial spirits and whenever you are in danger we will come to you. Please know that if you ever need any help go to Uncle J. He will help you, he was the man and little girl you visited earlier this year. Remember she was two years older than you and had purple hair?" Acnologia whispered into my hair.

"I remember, Dad." I whispered quietly.

He hugged me for a few more moments before releasing me, and called Stardust back. We quickly ate the cake before he handed me the last present.

I quickly tore the wrapping open without paying attention to what it looked liked, and saw a box. It was a box with a top we could open and I carefully took the top of before setting it to the side.

Inside the box was made of red velvet and on the velvet was keys. The keys were blue and had dragon designs on them.

I stared at their breathtaking beauty before Acnologia broke me out of my thoughts. "These are the keys of all the dragons. There are around a hundred of them but a few of them have the same elements, but no one has the same as me. You may use these keys whenever you need to, but please only use them for emergencies. Sometimes when you summon us, we will not be available for we are on a mission. I will not be available for a long time, so don't try my key." Acnologia said before coming to sit by me.

"Of course." I whispered with awe before twisting my bracelet, moving the keys to my keys section in my requip bracelet.

"I'm sorry, but I have to leave now." Acnologia said before standing up. He waved his hand over the cave we were living in and it shimmered for a moment. He hugged me goodbye one last time for transforming into a dragon and flying into the sky with one last roar.

I reached for my bag and with one touch realized that all the treasure was inside. I walked into the cave and into my room, before bursting into tears. Sadness welled up inside me, and I screamed into the pillow with pain and frustration of not being able to see Dad again. I screamed all my anger out and cried my eyes dry. Finally after I exhausted all my tears I just sat there thinking.

That was when I decided to call myself Lucy Apocalypse.

I heard Stardust climb onto the bed and I turned to face the other way, so she wouldn't see my teary face. I heard her call my name, but when I didn't answer, Stardust just curled around me to comfort me, and fell asleep. I just thought about all the times, since Stardust was born on December 9, x774, that we had together with Acnologia. I started tearing up, and when I opened my eyes again it was morning. 

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