Chapter Sixteen

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This is the final form in case you forgot. The image does not belong to me. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, and I'm sorry I haven't updated in such a long time. 


Lucy's POV
I made my way back the arena, wishing that I had brought Stardust with me, for I knew I wouldn't hit anything, but people would stare at me, and because Stardust would yell at me for going off without her to watch over me. I kept on walking and was almost at the arena when I felt someone place their arm around me, and I sensed that it was Sting.

"I've decided to help you make Sabertooth feel more like nakama." Sting announced to the world, making me chuckle and smile. I knew that he couldn't see me smile, but could hear me chuckle, and as we make it into the doorway leading to the separate Sabertooth's guild, and team balconies, Sting stopped walking, and I stopped as well.

"Lucy, I know that you may not like me, but I just wanted to tell you that I like you, and I hope that you could think about what I said." Sting said, and he pushed my cloak back, making me blush deeply. I didn't know what to say, and luckily Rogue and Stardust came in.

"Sting, where have you been?! Lucy, it's nice to see you." Rogue called out while walking to us, and I felt Star make her way to me, and I quickly dodged behind Sting, trying to hide from her wrath.

"Lucy, how could you have gone off without me?! I looked all over for you, and what if something had happened?! I would have killed myself!" Stardust yelled as Sting moved, not wanting to feel her anger, and Star stood in front of me, and I could feel her angry flowing off of her.

"Um, what about out telepathic connection?" I piped up, trying to get her to calm down.

"Oh, I guess I forgot." Stardust said, and chuckled, and I knew that she would scratch her head in embarrassment based on how long I had known her. "Anyway, let's go back to the balcony. Minerva's worried." Stardust announced, and started to drag me after her.

"What happened while I was gone?" I asked, wanting to know how many battles I missed.

"Well you missed two of the battles, and the first one was Toby Horhorta from Lamia Scale versus Kurohebi from Raven Tail. They made a bet, and Toby lost, making Kurohebi rip Toby's special sock. I hate Raven Tail, anyway, the second battle was Elfman Strauss from Fairy Tail A versus Bacchus Groh from Quartro Cerberus. They continued the bet, and Elfman betted his sisters, and Bacchus betted changing his guild name to Quatro Puppy for the rest of the tournament if he lost. Who do you think won?" Stardust asked, after explaining two of the battles.

"I think Elfman won for he would do anything to protect his sisters." I explained.

"Correct, most people would have gotten it wrong, but you actually thought, anyway, this battle is going to be Mirajane Strauss from Fairy Tail B versus Jenny Realight from Blue Pegasus." Star finished the moment we made it to the balcony where I sensed MinMin rush over and hug me, worried that something had happened.

"Don't worry, MinMin. Nothing happened, anyway let's enjoy this event." I said, dragging her to the edge of the balcony, with people from Sabertooth guiding me, not wanting me to hit something, and get MinMin and Uncle J mad at them.

"Anyway why are people screaming at Mirajane and Jenny for the next outfit, isn't this supposed to be a battle, not a pinup model battle?" I asked, hearing Jason screaming cool, cool, cool over and over again, while the announcer was talking about the next outfit.

"Well, since both Mirajane and Jenny are former models, Jenny suggested a pinup model battle, and Mirajane agreed." MinMin explained, as I quickly requipped into my Final Form so I could watch the battle. When I change into my final form I cause a glow so this attracted my guildmates' attention and they soon gasped and awed at the sight of my form. I watched on in amusement as Mermaid Heel crashed the battle in their swimsuits, and soon most of the competitors joined in, and girls from guilds competed. (Picture in media)

In the middle they announced the wedding theme, and a second after everyone was changed into wedding dresses, Loke showed up, and jumped down into the ground with me in his arms.

"Loke." I yelled, embarrassed, and surprised. Everyone soon turned to look at me for I was the one with the most unique wedding dress and flowers seemed to appear wherever I was. 

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