And then she said a sorrow goodbye to the world...

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Leo pov

I held her hand tightly, I wanted to cry.... Again! My eyes sting and my head ached, my heart went out to her.. But I couldn't help but think, she looks so peaceful,trouble free... Leo free!

Argh. I was so stupid! Why the fuck did I say that to her!

She didn't even deserve it!

How the hell am I going to fix this!


I sat in the studio scribbling down ideas...

I didn't mean to hurt you girl, when I think of the world around me, all I see is you, your the one I want, the one I need, wanna hold you close, listen to you breathe... Tell me that you wanna be mine and the rest is history!

Argh! This was going to be harder than I thought!

How you doing?, hell you can ask me that a million times, but damn life ain't going to be right, if I ain't got you by my side? my life without you, baby Girl it's incomplete!

Enlighten me as you awake in your bed, allow my fingers to stroke your cheeks, let our eyes meet as you smile stupidly at me, you know that it's love when you can't control your self around her! But when you say those words she didn't need to hear, hell can't help you now.


Charlie pov

From Leo
Studio now! Need your help! ASAP!

We sat in the studio as I read over Leo's lyrics he'd been previously writing about y/n, he felt guilty and responsible for her being hospitalised, I felt guilty because I couldn't help her!

When she needed it the most!

I'm... We're... Horrible people!

She doesn't even deserve to be treated so badly by those around her! Yet they treat her like shit!

I need to help fix her!



"So what do you think"? My hands ached as I placed the pen to the pad for the last time, placing the last touch to the piece that we hoped would fix our princess...


It's a word we know best aye, the word itself is so distorting, it's ruins you on the inside but slowly eats away at you on the out side...

I guess that's what happening to me.... I'm hoping on a miracle that might not even happen!

All we could do was hope!
Her mum

I've been seated at the end of her bed for the past day and a half, just hoping she would awake and we could be a whole again, I've been the worst mother anyone could have...🖕

The times I heard her cry to herself at night, but instead I let her cry instead of comforting her. I knew she was struggling to stay strong! No amount of drugs could help her! She was torn, but I am just as broken, wishing there was something I could... Should of... Done to help her!

My hands shook as I held the knife to my throat, I'm such a horrible mother, I don't deserve to live! She need someone to take care of her. Someone who won't turn their back on her! As I take the knife and twist it into my stomach, a tear may escape, I may wail in pain! But I know I don't deserve to call myself her mother, I helped ruin her life!

I jared the knife into my gut, my hands clenching the handle and I dug it deeper into my stomach, my face hardened as I tried not to cry, I didn't Deserve to feel guilt or hurt! I deserved to be dead!

I'm a women of my own power, but the power I hold, isn't worthy of my daughters love, I've ruined her to the extent of no return... Now it's my turn to lie in a pool of blood, say good bye to the world as I let life take me away!

Victoria pov

"Leo! Come here quick!"

As he raced down the stairs, my heart punded, "yeah?" I didn't say a word I simply pointed at the tv...

His jaw hung low as he begged it not to be true, a tear fell from his eye as he raced to the front door...

Charlie pov
All Leo could do was nod, this couldn't be, y/n going to be devastated....
"Why would she do this?" My heart was pounding as I tried to comprehend what was happening, this is going to ruin y/n more than anything!
"I don't know man, I really don't know!" Leo said


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