Dude you left her!

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"Dude what the fuck, you left her there... ALONE MIGHT I ADD! What they fuck were you thinking?"
The moment I saw Charlie I punched him hard it the arm before spitting out my words frustratingly.

Who the fuck leaves a girl of y/ns age at an abandoned home, even under the circumstances! You don't just leave!

My blood boiled and I wanted to desperately punch his teeth down his throat as he spoke "it wasn't intentional, She needed help Leo, she was in pain, Leo do you even understand? Fuck I could have lost my mother there Leo? Fuck dude I didn't mean to leave her! "
My hand rose and I punched him, a groaned filled the room as Charlie stumbled to the ground "what the fuck Leo!"
"Afraid of losing your mum! Fuck Charlie do you even understand, y/n lost hers, and unlike you she couldn't help her. Fuck! . And what makes it worse is the fucking fact that you  left her alone in an ABANDONED HOME! She could have died to! Do you get thus! Dead dead ducking dead! She could have been! I get it you were afraid of losing your mum! But dude you could have thought twist about y/bs existence for one fucking second!"  My breathing heavy, I flung myself back on the couch, placing my head in my hands..

Truth be told, I love y/n, and I couldn't bare think of her dead... It tore me apart when She tried to kill her self, let alone being left as pray in an abandoned home...  By none other than Charlie!


I feel horrible that I left her alone and didn't go back for y/n. But truth being told, I feared for my mothers life more than y/ns at that point in time.
I care for y/n a lot, don't get me wrong! But in a situation like that, all I focused on was making sure my mother got out of there safely.

Regret tears me apart. Each minute I think about how I left her behind. If it wasn't for Leo, I fear she could have wound up dead... And that tares me part!


It's been a week and a half since, well you know, I saw my dead mother, and was left behind! Gees I just love that feeling huh! The feeling of betrayal!


Slumping back on my bedsheets, Jenner bursted through the door in a huff, "girl, take a look at this! " she handed me a letter, with a gift attached.

Birthday tomorrow YAY! Favourite time of the year for you! I know I'm early, but that's okay because you've wanted this for sometime. So open it up, I know you'll love it baby girl :)

Mommy loves you, like forever and always!

Forever in my hear <3


Mum? What!

Opening the gift, my eyes filled with tears. I couldn't breathe...

Inside the wrapping paper was a dead puppy, it's eyes open with its neck slit..

Placing my hand over my mouth I tried to prevent myself from vomiting, I threw the box to the side of the room with a huff!

Was this Some type of sick joke!
Racing out of bed, I rushed to The bathroom, vomit surrounding the toilet bowl as I gaged, at the stale taste the vomit left behind. disgusted as I yet again vomited Into the toilet.


Birthday! Yay?? not! 

YOU: it was official I was 18! , I always thought that when this day came around, my mother would be sitting her with me, we'd get ready and head to the pokies for my first taste of adult hood... Or maybe even we'd head to the pub and have a couple cold beers, or even a vodka... Finally get off our faces till we were unable to walk, subtle upon a cab, and head home where we would sleep off a hangover, and make oily bacon and eggs to cure our hangovers.

Sighing deeply, I push those thoughts out of my head, and headed down stairs for breakfast!  (Please note: an I should have mentioned this earlier; she moved in with Jenner due to her mothers deaths)
"Morning birthday girl, I have pancakes!" Jenner embraced me in a tight hug as she spoke, releasing me from the embrace she headed back to cooking the pancakes "I miss her..." I blurted out suddenly...
"Who do you miss? Your mum?" Jenner asked curiously, I simply just nodded...
"It's okay, things happen that we are just unable to fix, but you know she's looking down at you right Now smiling"
I smiled sourly, she was right i guess but I simply didn't know what to feel anymore...

Since the abandoned house, and the dead cat yesterday I'm beginning to feel like maybe she is alive... Maybe it wasn't just a figure of my imagination...

Or maybe I'm just going crazy in my old age😝

Hours later
Come on y/n, we've got to go! We're going to be late!"
"What? Go where? You didn't tell me anything? Bruh! What?"
"Just chuck On a nice outfit, don't bother with make up your already stunning, and leave your hair down! Just hurry! NOW bitch!" She giggled as she Called me a bitch, she's just lovely isn't she?

Bloody Bitch aha! 🖕

I searched frantically for a nice outfit! Pants? None! Tank top! Nope! Skirt? Hmm maybe, tank top, tank top, singlet, jacket! Nope nope nope!
Ahah this is perfect? It was a black flannel dress, knee length with a tight waist, it was gorgeous!

But Where did it come from!


So I know your looking frantically for clothing for tonight, I know I've just told you to hurry up, so HURRY UP! Haha, but anyway,Saw this in the store today, happy birthday!

Knew you would love it! 😘


Putting on the dress I flipped my hair to the side as I zipped up the backing, now shoes, my black wedges will do!

One last glance in the mirror and I was satisfied👌.

Racing down the stairs I jumped into Jenners arms "thank you loser!"

Giggling she announced "you're on point babe! As always! The dress really compliments your curves! Like I planned of course!" She winked as she let lose another giggle. Before pulling me out the door and to her car.

Where are we going!?


*await! For more!!!! * Hahahahahha

Next chapteri should be good! Stay tuned lovelies! 😘

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