My crazy dream:I fell tower

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I was at the top of the eiffel tower in france,it was so high that i almost puke in horror,it's like a long fall and it was insanely high,i almost slip and fall but i quickly kept my balance.There i saw lots of people wearing sunglasses,i don't know why but i think they just wanna be cool by wearing sunglasses or the sun is just blinding their eye or something.After all it was kinda cold and i saw no sun in the sky,but hey,this is my dream anyway.

1 of them was walking and going straight to the edge of the tower,i quickly react and try to save him.


French guy:Huh?(Turns around and just kept going straight)


French guy:Why?

Me:Cuz your going to fall on that edge?

French guy:Shut up guy,i know what i'm doing!

Me:If your not gonna stop now,your going to fall!

French guy:(sigh)Yeah right,stupid american.

Did the guy really called me american?Wow,i think my english really improved,but i'm a filipino,stupid french guy.😑
(No offense to french guys)

The french guy continued walking and then he felt something on his front foot,like something is missing,like a path is broken and then he stoped for a second and then slip,i reacted shocked and stopd still,then he told me something.

French guy:Huh?(Sliped on the edge)

Me:Ehh! 😨

French guy:I don't know what i am doing?


French guy:Because i'm blind... (Falls down the tower faster)

Me:Ahhh!!! 😱

I ran there fast,and when i got there at the edge of the tower,i looked down and saw that it was very high,and then i puke!I can't see his body because the tower was so high and scary to look down.I was still looking for his body but then i saw a light going towards me,it came closer and closer until,i saw it was a little ghost that look like the guy who slip on the edge of the eiffel tower.Wow!He look like a mini version of him,but like a little ghost or something,it kinda look cute and annoying.

French guy:(Little voice)
Whoah,i can see now and i'm e ghost?!
That means i have super powers! (Hero theme song playing)Fear not people of france because a new hero is born!I am the one who will save the city,i am the one you can call when your in need,but now i have a new identity,now you shall call me,the phantom!

Me:(Holds laughter)You should....(giggles) yourself the....(Laughs)The little phantom!😄

French guy:Oh,you're looking for a fight tough guy!?

Me:Why yes...Little guy.(Laughs more)

French guy:Why you little- (Push me but he passed right through me)What!Wait wha- Why can't i push you!?

Me:Maybe it's because your hands are too small! (Laughs harder)

French guy:Stop it!

Me:Awwww...Is baby gonna cry because i made him mad? (Laughs more and more then rools to the floor laughing)😂

French guy:I swear to god,if you keep making fun of me,i'm gonna-

Suddenly,we heard an explosion,we stoped and then we looked up in the sky and we saw a red flying thing.(No,not that kind of "thing" you green people!)


The flying thing slowly decends down and then we saw a red...giant...

All of You:Uh huh?


All of You:Yeah?


All of You:C'mon tell me!?


All of You:Aw c'mon!


All of You:Just tell us already!

Me:Fine,ok,ok,just take it eysi.

Juan:Hey that's my line!😡

Me:Oh,sorry about that.

All of You:For the love of god,Just tell us already!!!👿

Me:Ok,Ok!Jeez.It was a red giant,juicy,tasty,hot,steamy flying sausage.You happy now!?


Now,let's beggin the story shall we,ok.The flying sausage slowly goes down,and starts to fire cheese.Wait cheese?Oh yeah,cheese!Why cheese and not sausage?

//inside the red giant flying sausage//

Sausage pilot:Sir,we are all out of sausage bullets,so we just stole all this cheese from the planet we blow up earlier.

//In the broccoli Planet//

Broccoli:Curse you meat people!😡

(No offense to meat and vegetable people)

//In the eiffel tower//

The flying sausage fire cheese at random directions,we took cover from a table beside me.Wow?Like where the f@&k did that came from?

So we took cover,and we were helpless.

Me:I don't think we can make it little ghost who fell off the eiffel tower.

French guy:I know- wait a minute!I'm a ghost,that means i can pass through anything!
(Turns to face the red giant flying sausage)
Hey you!

Red giant flying sausage:(Turns to the french guy)

French guy:I am the hero of this city and they call me... (Super hero pose)The phantom!

Me:Oh cry me a river and die!😒

French guy:If you don't wanna get hurt,then leave this planet immediately!

Red giant flying sausage:Pity human flying baby,you will not survive my lazer beams.

The red giant blah blah blah sausage,(I was bored mentioning that name 😑)let out a giant lazer beam!The giant lazer beam aim and targeted the french guy.

French guy:Bring it on!

Just so,the red giant you-know-who blasted the french guy million pieces!Or thousands?I don't fricking know?😑

As i was still in the table taking cover,the firing suddenly stopped,i look up then the red giant flying thingy was gone.I stand up and started to walk,but then i slipped into a banana,i fell and then it hurts.I saw the tower was filled with banana peels around,i saw french people slip and fell because they were blind,then suddenly the tower starts to shake....shake....and shake....UNtIL!
It slipped and we all fell and died.

//In real life//

I woke up!Wait!What!?I'm still alive,my god that was a horrible dream!


Hey guys,yeah it's been a while but i have many school works to do,but i'll keep updating when i have time to go online and publish my stories.I hope you guys have more patience and i'll update later.

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