The magic cliff

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One night there were 3 men who were on top of a cliff,after a while they heard a voice they noticed that it was a dwarf,the dwarf said to them."This is a magic cliff if you jump on the edge of it,you will make a wish and then you will land on your wish"

The first man said"I'll go first"he said to the two men.while on the edge of the cliff he jumps and make a wish"I wish for money!"
He landed on a huge pile of money!

Then the second guy was eating a banana and then notices he finishes his banana and want more and then he notices the magic cliff.While on the edge he makes a wish"I wish for Food!"He landed a pile of delicious food!

And then the third guy was next while on the edge he slipped on a banana peel and said"Crap!"He landed on a pile of crap!

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