New character:Boy Comeback + New username

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It all started on a sunny day...

Boy Comeback:Hey whatsup?

Girl:(Annoyed)Eww...get away from me!

Boy Comeback:I haven't done anything from you!

Girl:Whatever just shutup!

Boy Comeback:I don't shut up, I grow up. And when i look at you,  I throw up.

Suddenly a bunch of random guys pop out of nowhere and started yelling "OOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!"

Me:(Eating ice cream)
(Still eating)
(Still eat- oh wait, i'm choking)


Me:Hey guys, avast here, so i change my password to "AvastRogue015" Cause i want it to change and yeah, new year is also coming.

New year:(Peeking through my window)I'm gonna molest you!

Me:What the fu-


So yeah, that's all i got to say. Oh and wait, i'm adding new characters in this book so i can add more epilol to my chapters. Dudes and Dudets, please welcome Boy Comeback!

Boy Comeback:Dude who are you talking too?
Theres no one here except you and me jackass!

Random guys:OOOOOHHHHH!!!

Me:Ohhh....Well its better to be a jackass than a idiotic donkey like you.

Random guy:OOOHHHHHH!!!!!

Boy Comeback:Damn it!

--Meh endt--

(The donkey part was my idea and the shut up was i found it in the internet. I created Boy Comeback so i can add him to this book and so i can have more friends.Well actually i have no friends, F**k. )


Me:Well that's all for me guys,thanks for 100,000k reads and don't forget to follow me and hit that vote button-
(Sees Luke and rod hitting something)
What are you doing?

Luke:(Hitting something with a chair)I'm hitting the Vote button.


Rod:Cause you said it.

Me:Dude,i was telling my readers to tap the vote button if they like this chapter. Not hitting it like with a chair for real!?

Rod and Luke:Ohhhhh.....

Me:Dumb friends....

(Clears throat)

So yeah,well guys i gotta go now and goodbye.

All of the characters including me:Goodbye everyone!

Me:(Eating a taco then suddenly,i started to choke again for no reason)

Rod:Is he gonna be ok?

Luke:Yeah,i guess so.

Juan:Well ummm... I gotta go now....

Boy Comeback:Yeah me too...

Horse man:Mihhh!!!

Everyone leave the room and then i was all alone.

-the end-

And avast was never heard of him again. I'm still alive,stop crying you Big baby!

Big baby:(Cries)

--Meh endt--

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