The Expectation and The Reality

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Hello and welcome,i am your therapist,Dr. Avast.

Man:Wait aren't you supposed to be called doctor?-

Shut up! I'm a fvckin therapist alright?!

Man:(Hands turned into a defensive pose)
Ok ok,Jeez!

Now where was i? Ah yes-
Please,imagine that your in a white room,a cloudy soft and comfortable room. Make yourself at home. Relax your mind and open yourself up to me. Tell me all your problems. Shut the hell up and listen to my annoying voice. Stop the fvck you are doing and just rest.

Now,what seems to be the problem?

Man:Well,i was arguing with a lady,then she said "What?",i thought she didn't heard what i said. Should i tell her?

That's the most stupidest question i've ever heard! Keep quiet for the rest of your life!

So anyway,this problem must be understand by taking a look at the Expectational side and the Realistic side.

Now let's look at the Expectational side:

"When a woman says "What?",
It's not because she didn't hear you. She's giving you a chance to change what you said"

And now for the Realistic side:

"Wrong,she's challenging you to have some balls and repeat it!"

In conclusion of today's problem is that:

"Don't be a wuss!"

Man:That's not helping at all!

Atall? Who is Atall? Nevermind that,now get out,your wasting too much time in my sessions!

Man:I don't know what to say?
(Get shoot immediately)

(Blows away the smoke of the shotgun)
Anyway,until next time my friend,i will see you soon again in the next session. Bye!

Suddenly cops and doctors came bursting into the door.

Doctor:There he is!The fake doctor that kidnap our Horse!

Crazy horse:(Suddenly pops up in my hand)

Doctor:Get him!

Oh sh*t!
(Runs away with Crazy horse)

Meh endt!

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