What love is + an important announcement

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"Love is like a fart, if you have to force it, it's probably shit."


Yo what is up guys? Avast here. And i just wanted to say that i poop on your toilet last night.
Don't sue me, or i will shit on your house again!

Hey whatup,guys.I just wanted to tell you guys that, i didn't came here to be abused, hurt and other stuff that makes me uncomfortable. If you just want this book to stop, just say it, not text me with negative comments about how racist, stupid, or not funny this book is. I just want to entertain people aight? Not being a douche bag and saying all the things that he wants. I don't care if this book is at 155k reads (Wow that's alot already) i just want to share people what i have in mind, and still i just want to entertain and make people happy. If you are against me right now. So be it. I've had enough worst days and it is still continuing. But if you are not against me. I just wanna say thank you,even if you are defending me you still are the best readers that i know.

This is all fun jokes,and this is not about hurting people, even tho i am sorry for the ones that i hurt in most of these jokes, but still, this is just for fun and games, aight? Thus, no hard feelings.

I can't even express that i am crying right now 😢.

So,i guess this is the end of the chapter.

This is avast Logging out, and i'll upload later. Bye guys.

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