Ugly + Hugot line

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Girl:Am i ugly?

Boy:God made no one ugly.

Girl:Awwww thank you. 😊

Boy:Who the hell made you?😂


Hey guys,i just wanna share with you a new trending called "Hugot" lines. If you are a filipino like me,then you probably know it,well some of you i think?

If you don't know what "Hugot" lines is,it's basically a collection of pick-up lines which is the opposite of that. Instead of love,it's actually a Heartbreak,jealousy, unnoticed by the one you love, or even truth behind being played all the time.

"Hugot" is like the truth telling behind problems of loving someone you like. For us,it's just a game,and we experienced it,it's still true.

For example:Your crush doesn't notice you at all,it's like your not there.
When your love pretends to love you but instead,tries to play you.
Your senpai tries to drink bleach because he/she thinks it's cool.
Or you flirt with someone but they don't buy it,instead they just pretend to love you back.

And that was the examples... Well the 3rd one was not really an example.

"Hugot" can remind you of betrayal and fakeness. But for us,it's like a mix of torture and happiness. Why? Because we once have crushes but they don't feel the same way as we did and that hurts,thus we are happy that we made truthful "Hugot" lines,because that reminds us how our crushes have fake hearts,or in other words,we make fun of them of how they fake they are.

Thus you can make one if you can. If you are having troubles making some,you can just ask me and help you out. Just message me on Facebook or here in wattpad. 😊

So for now,i'm gonna post 10 "Hugot" lines. 1 for each joke i publish here. I hope you guys will like these "Hugot" lines,and i hope you will laugh at it. Some of them are made by me and my friends,and some of them are found by the internet by me translated and to English.

Warning:If you are too serious about loving someone or your crush,then you don't have to read the "Hugot" line,as i said,this can either be a game or just truths behind the one you really like. This all just fun and games aight? Don't blame me,i'm just sharing this. I'm proud of my kind ok? And this is the warning.

Hugot line#1

The status of my crush and i, are like my tongue and my elbow,
No matter how many efforts i tried to lick it,
I still can't reach it!



Tell me if it was good and comment your reaction,so i would know if you liked it.😊

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