Annoying boy on bus+New profile

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^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Yeah,so that's me at the picture above. 👍

Now back to the-

*Loud explosion*

A little kid gets on a city bus,sits right behind the driver,and starts talking loudly, "If my dad was a bull and my mom a cow,I'd be a little bull."

The driver gets annoyed as the kid continues to yammer on."If my dad was a rooster and my mom a hen,I would be a little chick."

The kid goes on and on with all the animals he knows,when finally,the bus driver yells, "What if your dad was a bum and your mom was a drunk?"

The kid smiles and says,"I'd be a bus driver".


--Not an Epilol i guess?--

Me:(Puts on headphones and starts Playing Black Ops 3)

Suddenly the door blows up with no reason.

Everyone:Happy early birthday Avast!

Me:(Still playing on loud volume)


Me:(Still playing)

Juan:(Pulls the plug on my tv so i can't play)

Me:(Gets up)No!What the heck men?

Juan:Hey,take it eysi!

Me:My tv is dying you idiot!

Juan:That's impossible,the tv is not alive-


Juan:What the-!

Me:No,tv!(Runs up to tv)No you can't die.

Tv:Yeah....I-i know...But i will.....remember the times....-We made together!

Me:(Starts to cry)Yeah i know...

Tv:Hey remember that time.....When you yelled and shouted at me when boston celtics was losing......And remember that time that you almost thrown me away instead of that PS4 that gave you a rage attack when you loss a match?


Tv:Well i liked those times.Now i must die.....

Me:No you can't!

Tv:Tell Laptop....That....

Me:Tell her what!?

Tv:That she's a horse!






Me:I'll kill all of you!

Everyone:(Runs around screaming and jumping on windows)

-Meh endt-

Hey guys so yeah,sorry for all the lacks of updates,but i'll try to find a way to update my other jokes ok?So yeah.

Oh and,well my bday is coming up on January 15 or on friday.So i'll be turning 15,

(Sarcastic voice)Yay happy birthday to me.😒

Well that's all i got to say,i probably go to sleep now cuz its almost 6 in the morning here and i'm trying to upload for you guys,and i don't have time cuz i'm gonna be late for school.That is all for me now,Avast logging out and i'll upload later.

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