The Beginning

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**TW. this first chapter contains rape. Please skip chapter 1 to avoid **

The dark hedgehog grumbled to himself as he kicked a pebble across the dirt path. Walking home slowly, his fur clogged with sea water from his latest G.U.N mission, he shivered. The black agent was cold, wet, but most of all tired, his body ready to give way from working relentlessly for 5 whole days. The foggy nights sky and full moon was the only thing illuminating Shadow's lonely walk home as he trudged through more overgrown wilderness. His feet felt heavy as the cold salt water weighed his muscles down.


Stopping dead in his tracks Shadows body tensed up. One black appendage twitching in the moonlight. Holding his stance for a good minute or so, he simply decided to ignore the noise marking it off as a squirrel or a smaller rodent lurking in the trees.

Continuing his walk, the black hedgehog suddenly didn't feel at ease anymore. Somewhere in the foliage he could feel a pair of eyes watching him, stalking him. Quickening his pace drastically, desperate to be free of the woods, Shadow yelped loudly as his foot became entangled into a tree root, causing him to fall flat on his face.


By now, Shadow's fur was standing on end, fully aware the creature was not a small animal. Desperately; he tried to clamber back up onto his feet and stagger away from the dark lonely forest. Attempting to prop himself up onto his hands, he grunted in pain. His arms buckled underneath his body from the days exertion. His legs tangled in roots and mud, Shadow cursed his own throat as it betrayed him and let out a pitiful whimper. His body was cold, wet, tired and now covered in mud, his muzzle buried deep in an inch of thick bog from the days rainfall. To make matters worse- he now had some feral animal stalking him.

Looking around desperately, Shadow was trying to find the culprit of the twig snap, his head flicking up, down, left, right, until finally, out the corner of his eye, he saw it. A pair of glossy green eyes shone in the darkness, staring straight at his helpless body. Shadow froze on the spot as he laid eyes on the beast's whereabouts and started to panic. He was vulnerable in every way, his body exposed to the animal lurking in the distance. Swallowing his laboured breathing, Shadow watched as the eyes came closer...

And closer...

Until its body came into view. To say the least, Shadow was petrified. The sheer size of the beast astonished him. It's body a deep blue and covered in silky fur, sharp fangs rooted into pink fleshy gums, and a long thick tongue that flicked back and forth from its muzzle.

Holding his guard, to not allow the beast see his fear, Shadow attempted his own growl, small canines sticking out the edges of his mouth, twisting into a snarl as his eyes lowered. A desperate effort to show his own power if the beast crossed the line.

Blinking, dumbfounded by the dark hedgehogs actions, the blue beast cocked his head to the side in confusion.

Swallowing tightly, noticing the blue lurching demon hadn't been put off by Shadow's growls, he curled his body further into the soggy earth below him hoping the beast would lose interest if he seemed boring enough. He heard the monster shuffle more towards him, the noise clumsy, almost that of a toddlers messy attempt to walk. Flinching visibly as a sharp clawed hairy paw was placed upon his back, the beast leaned forward and sniffed the body underneath it, pressing a more than reluctant Shadow into the ground.

Stifling a gasp, Shadow growled in displeasure as a curious moist nose invaded the fur on his back, ruffling it up and down, to feel the skin underneath. Exploring every crevice and curve, the beast lifted its head up to breathe, only to come down and this time invade the black hedgehog's neck with its slobbery mouth.

Blue and hairy ~ sonadowOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora