Uncomfortable Mornings

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The morning sun came leaking through the trees as a soft gentle breeze sifted the golden oranges of the autumn leaves. Shining its glow upon the world, the beam of light slowly came to rest on a dark ball of fur, standing out strongly against the crisp green grass. The mud and dirt now dried from the night before. The atmosphere the complete opposite of what could be seen less than eight hours ago.

Unconsciously, a triangular ear flicked under the sunlight. Grunting slightly, a black lid lifted up slowly, revealing a crimson orb. Waking up cautiously, the striped hedgehog shivered gently under the cold air. Placing his arms underneath himself, he lifted his body up from the foetal position and balanced himself on all fours. Shadow instantly noticed how wobbly his entire body was.

Memories of last night came flooding back to the poor black and red hedgehog. Wincing as he managed to finally stand on two legs -with the help of a tree- Placing one foot in front of the other, the black mobian made his wretched walk home. He stumbled a few times due to the pain that continued to rocket through his backside every time he took another step.


Returning home, Shadow pushed open the lobby doors into the main entrance of the penthouse he owned. Making sure to check the receptionist wasn't paying attention to notice the hedgehog's appearance, he slipped into the lift quietly.

Unlocking his door, not bothering to lock it behind him, he finally stepped into his apartment. Growling, he caught sight of himself in the window reflection that faced out onto the morning glow of the city. He was a mess, to say the least. His black fur was dishevelled, red stripes forming more of a zigzag pattern than a smooth symmetric line they should have been. Mud had also caked itself deep into his fur, causing him to look as if he had been rolling around in a pig sty. Red and white stains had also clotted dark fur in patches near a rather suggestive area. His ears had naturally drooped due to the uncomfortable 'sleep' he had had, his general wellbeing and lack of happiness also contributing to this.

Scrunching his hands up into fists, Shadow stormed off into the bathroom, attempting to make himself look at least presentable.

Throwing his gloves of to the side in an untidy bundle, He Twisted the shower knob onto full heat. Kicking his shoes off, Shadow stepped inside intent on cleaning up the sticky mess that had glued his crotch and thigh together. Aggressively the black hedgehog squirted the clear shampoo over his hands, lathering up his black coat, scrubbing viciously at places where the liquid would not budge. Cursing the strange beast loudly, he started to scratch and pick at a certain spot near his inner thigh, picking the dried semen out.

After about half an hour the hedgehog had finally completed his task of washing, and was currently drying his quills. Shaping them back into the natural position they were meant to grow in, Shadow flung the towel over the radiator in the bathroom, and picked the abandoned gloves in the corner up. Noticing their muddy condition, he threw them straight in the bin, not even bothering to salvage them.


It had been a normal morning for the blue hedgehog so far, well, apart from waking up in a tree and smelling of leaves, but in the blue blurs opinion, that was normal. Stretching his limbs in the morning sun that had arisen only a couple of hours ago, he couldn't help but notice, despite the uncomfortable sleeping position, he had slept...

Surprisingly well... Almost too well...

Shaking the weird feeling off that was creeping up his spine, the speedster raced off home in nothing but a flash of blue.


Sonic basked in the glow of the sun, a warm smile spread across his peach muzzle as the cold breeze flew into his face from the speeds he was currently reaching. Feeling rejuvenated from the sheer awe of stretching his legs as he ran through the small park where children were frolicking, Sonic sped up, forcing his legs to pump harder, desperate to get home to greet his twin tailed fox brother, Tails. He knew the other had probably been worried about him, especially as Sonic had no idea how he would explain the events of last night. All Sonic could remember was blacking out as he was taking an evening stroll.

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