The Chinese Restaurant

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Making it halfway down the street with the dark hedgehog behind him, Sonic's mind was once again on food. Pondering on where they should head to, making his mind up in a millisecond however, he sneaked a look behind him to see if Shadow was still following him. Instantly he noticed that the striped mobian was slacking a few meters behind. "hey faker, are you ill or somethin'? Its not like you to not be able to keep up with me, or are you losing your touch in your old age?" Sonic smirked teasingly.

Shadow glanced up at him and growled. If only Sonic knew the pain he was in right now with each step he took. The dark hedgehog REALLY regretted agreeing to going out to eat with the blue pest, and his mood had now soured from the pain. Desperately trying to keep his leg straight and not keep limping, Shadow spat through gritted teeth; "No faker, I'm. Fine."

Lifting an eye ridge at the way the hedgehog was acting, Sonic slowed his pace, just in case. "Well, whatever, we're here now!" Spinning his head to the left, facing straight at a Chinese restaurant, which blended in well with the suburban streets, Sonic lifted an inviting hand towards the entrance.

Rolling his eyes at the hedgehogs façade to make the cheap restaurant seem appealing to the dark hedgehog, Shadow simply walked in blandly, glancing up nonchalantly as he heard the bell above the door chime. Looking back at the hedgehog who was clearly a regular customer here, a tall, dark haired waiter turned and nodded, grinning as he gestured at a table for them to sit. "Come in~ come in; Sonic! I see you bought a friend this time! The more the merrier~" The taller male started placing cutlery on a table near the window, away from other guests that had already turned to stare in awe as to who exactly had just entered the restaurant. 

Launching himself onto one of the seats in the booth, Sonic watched as his rival took a more... 'delicate' approach to sitting down. Chucking a menu at Shadow, Sonic rifled through the choices looking for his usual meal.

Picking up the menu with curiosity, Shadow's eyes glanced over the intricate and detailed supply of food and shrugged. "Order for me." He said, passing the menu back to the blue speedster.

Looking at him in bewilderment, Sonic nodded slowly but surely, blinking for a few seconds before diverting his eyes back. Skimming the menu to find something Shadow would like, Sonic decided to keep it basic. "Do you like noodles?" The blue hedgehog asked the other. Shadow barely nodded, as a reply Sonic's question. Ignoring his lack of communication, Sonic quickly chose the safest option to make sure Shadow at least enjoyed his meal. As the blue hedgehog put his menu down, bringing his attention back to the striped mobian, he noticed Shadow's discomfort once again. Shadow was wriggling left and right on his side of the bay, shifting constantly in an effort to get comfortable. Just as Sonic was about to say something, he heard a voice to his left.

"May I take your order; Sonic, sir? " The waiter from earlier asked as he flipped through his small paper pad, ready to write Sonic's food down.

"I'll have the usual, and he'll have... the Singapore noodles with ...shrimp?" Glancing up at Shadow, noting no complaints, he confirmed his order. "Yes- Shrimp please. "

"Good choice as always sir, and can I offer you any beverages at all?"

"I'll have a glass of coke, and stripes here will have a sparkling water." Gesturing to Shadow as the waiter was busy scribbling the drinks down, the tall human nodded, giving a polite thank you, retrieved the menus and walked away swiftly back through the kitchen door.

Sonic smiled triumphantly to himself at the small exhale of air Shadow had made when he ordered a sparkling water for the quiet hedgehog. He hadn't forgotten what Shadow liked to drink and eat and was glad to see he was still correct in his guesses. Sonic's attention turned back to current time Shadow however, subtly noting the hedgehog hadn't even commented when he had called him 'stripes'. Something was definitely off.

Blue and hairy ~ sonadowHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin