Sex Sense

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Shadow stood in the middle of the room silently, nodding gently at Tails and Knuckles who both seemed curious, especially Knuckles who was once again, tilting his head at Shadow, staring at him in a comical manner, very similar to the first time he walked in on Shadow when he had been having sex with the werehog a few hours prior. It was like The red echidna had a sixth sense. ...A sex sense? Shadow mentally snorted, however made short work to show that he didn't care  for the red Mobian's stare. He could think what he liked- Shadow really wasn't one to care for such petty things, and simply opted to ignore Knuckles.

Turning away from the pair, Shadow hastily poured some water into the old kettle, and stuck it on the stove, making quick work of rubbing water across his fur, smearing away any dried up wolf/hedgehog semen that could've possibly remained stuck to him. Shadow continued to stare at the stove, practically burning the metal with his eyes, blatantly ignoring the pair until Sonic came back in, which by that point, the kettle was boiled, and Shadow had placed a mug out for each Mobian, pouring them a cup of coffee each, in complete silence.

The blue hedgehog held his mug close to him, sipping it quietly, his head buried in the warm, delicious smell of caffeine, a small piece of his mind screaming in excitement that Shadow had poured this beverage for him, and that Shadow was currently sat right next to him-- their elbows particularly close at this moment in time. Despite the awkward situation they were in, Sonic couldn't help but almost feel comfortable, due to the fact he was in Shadow's presence. The dark hedgehog seemingly managed to bring Sonic comfort. Snorting to himself, feeling rather ridiculous, he looked up, only to catch Knuckles' cold gaze, who hadn't even touched his coffee, and was actually glaring daggers at the pair. Especially Sonic.

"You two have had sex." Knuckles stated, so matter of factly, Sonic snorted. Incredibly loudly. So loudly in fact, that coffee actually spurted out of his nose, making him cough violently, a heavy laugh filling his throat over his coughing, completely making a mess on the table, while Shadow simply stared in shock.

"Pardon?!" Shadow's face showed pure revolt and anguish, apparently highly embarrassed by Knuckles' statement, and also highly shocked at the fact that he didn't seem bothered that Tails was right next to him!! Glancing at Sonic quickly, Shadow blanked his face, covering the fact he was genuinely rather hurt that Sonic seemed to find the situation rather funny. Was having intercourse with Shadow really that amusing to Sonic????! 

"Dude- Seriously?? Shadow wouldn't touch me with a stick- let alone have sex with me"

"Then why do you smell like him?"

Sonic paused. Ah- right. That's something Sonic wasn't expecting Knuckles to ask. He was a great liar- well, actor, but apparently, Sonic hadn't been expecting that.

A loud sigh came from next to him, causing Sonic to look to his right. "He slept next to me- well, on me. of course he's going to smell like me."

Blinking at Shadow's witty response, Sonic nodded. "Yeah- that."

Knuckles' eye raised, but didn't push the question any further. Instead it was Tails who changed the conversation, saying he was going to fix the door Sonic broke- AGAIN. 

The red echidna continued to stare at the pair whilst Tails blathered on, his suspicions raised. "Sure. Keep telling yourselves that. As much as I love being able to smell you both, I need to check on the Master Emerald." Knuckles folded his arms, nodding at Tails as he departed.

Sonic rolled his eyes. The echidna slept  on the island for Chaos' sake.-- He probably even slept on top of the Master Emerald too. 


After both Tails and Knuckles finally left, Sonic turned to an awfully quiet Shadow, who seemed to be avoiding eye contact with him. Nudging his knee gently, Sonic decided to break the ice. "Hey~~ Shads, I know you're lying. So~ waddya say? wanna tell me the truth now?" A pause came as Sonic leaned in closer. "- Or, do I have to shake  the truth out of ya?~" Sonic's hands shot forward, grabbing Shadow's arms, making the dark hedgehog nearly spill his coffee in the process, whilst Sonic screamed the word: "Earthquake!! ", and shook the living crap out of the ultimate life form in the process.

"Faker Stop it!" Shadow yelled, apparently more shocked at the sudden closeness of the blue hedgehog, finding it rather hard to shake the other hedgehog off, and opted with the easier option of kicking  the other Mobian off of him. ...Which then resulted in Sonic falling off his own chair, and also managing to pull the table down with him. 


Meaning that Shadow's coffee, had most definitely been spilled everywhere now. 


"Dude, you know that really hurt, right?- I mean, being burned by coffee, is way less cool than say- being hit with a Chaos spear. ...Imagine explaining to someone how I got burned! " Sonic complained, following Shadow out of the base, walking slowly behind him with folded arms. 

"That can be arranged too, if you'd like." Shadow declared, his words drowning in malice as his palm flared with green Chaos energy. Grinning in animosity at Sonic, Shadow snorted triumphantly when the blue blur shook his head immediately. One things for sure- no one could top Shadow in a contest for fearsome looks. Sometimes, he even managed to have Commander Towers shaking in his boots alone, just from Shadow's sneers.

"I'm alright, thanks." Sonic spat, his words dripping with sarcasm. No, he had already suffered from first degree burns today. He didn't want to add to his collection.

"Shame really. I think a Chaos spear would really improve your face." 

Sonic tilted his head to the side instantly. A painfully fake smile was given to Shadow in answer to that statement. "I hate you." 

"Mmm- yeah, and that's why you're following me back to mine." Shadow stated matter of factly, sounding rather bored.

"I am?" Sonic leaned over, looking in front of Shadow, realising that yes, this was indeed the entrance to the penthouse Shadow lived in. Huh. Last time Sonic checked, they had only just left the bunker... 

Shaking that thought off immediately, Sonic shrugged. Well- he had absolutely nothing else better to do. Why not annoy his rival for the next hour or so?


Helllllllllyoooo!! but wait-- what is this???!! an update? after 3 months of not updating??? why, indeed it is!

sorry for the wait guys. you'll be hearing this excuse time and time again from me, but; shit popped up, and i was very busy for those three months. i did- however update my oneshots book. please check that out if you have time :) all of them are sonadow oneshots, and i try my best haha. i did just reach my record for word limit in one chapter, and that was over 5,000! thats about 5 blue and hairy updates all in one chapter lol. 

anyway, hope you enjoyed, the next chapter of this will be FARR more interesting, I PROMISE. anyways, vote and comment if you enjoyed, your support is greatly appreciated as always. xx

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