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Shadow grasped the sink, staring at the small dusty mirror, his reflection panting back at him. Loosening his grip, Shadow reached for the tap and yanked the small knob clockwise. Thrusting his hand underneath the cold jet of water, the dark hedgehog scrubbed his black abdomen, desperate to get the white stain out so the blue hedgehog wouldn't ask any more questions. He had raced off to Eggman's (ex) private bathroom as soon as Sonic had questioned him about the stain, and immediately got to work making himself presentable. Shadow wasn't surprised when he found the small clinical room hidden deep within the confides of the base, he'd seen many of these on his previous travels when Eggman spent a large amount of time in his base if he was in hiding.

Leaning back, Shadow groaned in disgust. No wonder why the red echidna had looked at him funny! Knowing how the echidna's brain worked, Shadow already knew Knuckles had found out what had happened as soon as he had taken one look at the dark hedgehog. Shadow simply thanked chaos Tails hadn't noticed, it would probably scar the yellow fox for life. Shadow wasn't too bothered what the red echidna thought at least, Shadow had seen him and Rouge in the aftermath of an activity that Shadow wasn't keen to know the ins and outs of. Rephrase that please...

Scrubbing harder at his fur, Shadow scowled. This was the second time this week he found himself scrubbing semen out of his fur, and he was already getting sick of it. Unfortunately for him, white stuck out like a sore thumb against black fur, so there was no use in even bothering to hide what happened if someone did notice...

Groaning, the dark mobian shook his head in disgust. He didn't even know why the blue hedgehog's actions had caused such a reaction on his body. Last time he remembered, mobians were only supposed to engage in such an activity if one was attracted to one another. Being attracted to the blue blur... worried Shadow. It worried him more than anything.

Sonic was a mere rival, not a love interest, and Shadow hoped on keeping it like that. Sonic being a male wasn't what bothered Shadow, it was just the idea that it was Sonic. Sonic The Hedgehog. The worlds fastest hedgehog with a bloated ego. Definitely not  Shadow's type.

...Or so he hoped. He knew he was recently enjoying spending time with Sonic, their meal out a few nights ago had been rather nice actually, Shadow had to admit. The blue hedgehog hadn't been his usual annoying self, and seemed rather tame. Plus- looking back, Sonic didn't look ready to jump from his seat either.

Furrowing his eyebrows his gaze lingered in the mirror. The dark hedgehog wasn't looking for a lover/partner. Being immortal wasn't all it had cracked up to be in the long run, watching another loved one die was something that Shadow hoped he wouldn't have to witness again. 

Besides. Sonic didn't feel the same way for him.

'who fucking cares?? He raped you a few nights ago?!' An internal voice in Shadow suddenly roared, causing his gaze to move to his hands, twiddling his thumbs in startled confusion. He couldn't blame Sonic for that, even if he wanted to. Shadow had already had this conversation with himself for Chaos sakes- he didn't want to do it again!!


Meanwhile, the blue blur had been pacing the entirety of the room, waiting for his doppelganger to return, blissfully unaware of the others thoughts. The blue hedgehog was still confused as to why the other even left in such a hurry. Twitching his ear slightly, Sonic lifted his head up as the familiar sound of Shadow's skates filled the corridors causing Sonic to smile. At least he knew the other hadn't left him.

Composing his figure once more, and standing upright to attention, Sonic beamed a cocky smile at the other. "Took ya long enough faker, if I didn't know any better, I'd have thought you left me." If Shadow had listened a bit harder, he would've likely heard a small waver and crack in his voice at the last part.

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