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Shadow stared at the pair ludicrously. The morning had arisen, and the dark hedgehog had decided to check up on the echidna and fox who were supposedly watching over Sonic for the night. The two Mobians were stood outside the base panting heavily, their fur was disheveled, nearly unrecognizable. Stood outside the bunker, Knuckles glanced up at the dark hedgehog with venom in his eyes, his breathing irregular. "N-n-never again. You have to stay with Sonic at night, u-until we get this problem, sorted out." The red echidna's voice broke several times during his sentence, a clear sign he was completely exhausted.

Shadow nodded regrettably, knowing there was most likely no way he would win this argument with Knuckles staring at him like that. "Where is the blue idiot right now?" The striped mobian said with clear annoyance.

"We left him in there, however he has most likely returned to normal now..." Tails murmured whilst fiddling with a small remote in his hand.

Rolling his eyes arrogantly, Shadow walked through the base door to inspect the damage the blue wolf had inflicted on the interior.

Walking through the small corridors, the dark hedgehog instantly noticed the thick claw marks that were embedded in the metal walls. Raising an eye ridge at the destruction of the blue moron, Shadow continued walking down the ominous corridor, finally coming to a stand still next to Sonic's containment chamber.

Shadow's jaw dropped as he noticed the hole in the thick metal, clearly produced from razor sharp wolf claws. As the dark hedgehog's eyes shifted slightly, Shadow rolled his eyes at the blue hedgehog who was currently curled up in the middle of the room, (the hole in the door had its uses when you were trying to tell if Sonic had finally returned into his anthropomorphic blue hedgehog self, rather than something forged from children's nightmares.)

"I think its only fair if you stay with him tonight, he seems a lot... calmer. When you are around." A young childish voice said next to the dark hedgehog.

Nodding, annoyed at the conclusion Tails had come to, knowing if he ran off again for the night, the blue werehog would most definitely escape and run rampant in the streets. How annoying,

Staring back at the slobbering hedgehog in the middle of the room, Shadow rolled his eyes. It was pretty ironic how simple and innocent Sonic currently looked, only for him to turn into a monster at night. Blinking slowly the dark hedgehog walked away as Tails shifted through the hole and into the dim room, to supposedly wake the blue moron up. A scowl prominent on his features, as he was reminded more and more of tonight's upcoming events, he walked out of the base and back to whatever the hell the day had planned for him this time...


"Sonic! Stay still!"

Groaning, the blue hedgehog glanced grimly at the twin tailed fox. He had been sitting on the same cold table for two painstakingly boring hours. Fidgeting in his seat whilst Tails once again pressed his stethoscope against the peach chest, in a hope of finding anything irregular with the blue hedgehog, that could possibly signify why these transformations were taking place once again.

Sighing, Tails glared at the stethoscope in his palm. Nothing. There was nothing. No indication of illness, all Sonic's vitals were fine and functioning perfectly. Sonic's Chaos levels were in line with what they should be also. Shaking his head in defeat Tails packed his equipment back up, and gestured towards the door, granting Sonic his freedom at long last.

Biting his lip anxiously, Tails smiled lightly at his brother who was fist bumping the air on his way out in a childish manner. Whatever was wrong with Sonic, Tails hoped to heaven and back, that dark Gaia was nothing to do with this. Especially after what happened last time.

Blue and hairy ~ sonadowWhere stories live. Discover now