The Aftermath

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The dark hedgehog had managed to quickly cover his flushed face, -behind his laptop for that matter, and was furiously tapping into the keyboard, trying to look like he had not just making out with his supposed rival on the sofa, and had actually been doing some rather important work. Shadow nodded at Rouge casually, trying his hardest to wipe the sheepish look from his face. Hopefully she wouldn't ask. No, of course she wouldn't ask...

"...What was that all about then hun?"

Shit. right, well, that plan went out the window rather quickly. Shadow stared at Rouge as if he wasn't aware of Sonic's strange behaviour, and instead chose to gawk at her. Oh well, Shadow had a rather good poker face when it counted.

"Well, as you just witnessed; Sonic decided that, instead of staying with his supposed friends for the day, he would distract me all morning instead. That is why I'm currently two pages behind on this resume I'm currently writing."

Shadow's eyes went back to his work immediately, the blush wiped completely from his face, ruby eyes fixated on the black block of text on his laptop screen, scanning each line, as if he was deeply analysing what he was writing, when really, he was only trying to ignore Rouge's piercing amethyst stare. The dark hedgehog's reaction would've been perfectly reasonable, and fooled anyone into believing nothing had happened. His recovery was outstanding. But there was one thing Shadow was forgetting.

Rouge wasn't anyone.

The white bat knew Shadow inside out. The way he had instantly hidden himself behind his laptop when she walked in, the sharp jolt of quills that indicated two supersonic hedgehogs had both moved ever so slightly away from each other, but most importantly, the blush. It was there for a maximum of five seconds, before disappearing from sight again. Shadow held a confident arrogance in his demeanour, so hiding away from Rouge was definitely uncharacteristic of him. Sure, he liked peace, and enjoyed being alone, but not once, had Shadow The Hedgehog, ever hidden from someone before. Something was definitely up.

"Really hun? Well, if it was that simple, then I'm sure there wouldn't be any reason as to why your cheeks were virtually glowing a second ago, hmm?"

Rouge smiled delicately. Sure, she was trying to make Shadow flustered, but at the same time, she genuinely wanted to know. She hadn't forgotten what Shadow had told her when they were on their last mission together, and how seriously it seemed to affect Shadow when he thought he had no chances with the person he was attracted to, and after that short display of affairs, Rouge had no trouble in guessing who Shadow might've fallen for.

Shadow scoffed, immediately shook his head and stared at his work, face deadpanning, trying his hardest to block her out, which only made Rouge grin harder.

"Big blue, huh? Really wouldn't have expected that from you, out of all people Shadow. But...~~ they do say opposites attract now, don't they~"

Rouge's rhetorical question made Shadow's ear twitch gently.

"I don't know what you're talking about. If you are proposing what I think you're proposing, then you can damn well stop it."

Another grin from Rouge.

"Well, Shadow, I really don't think it would be too hard to propose anything now. Especially with the way both of you reacted when you realised I was at the door."

Rouge tapped her black nose gently.

"Can't hide anything from a spy, now, can you~"

Shadow's face went sour. He hated sharing his personal life and his feelings with others. For starters he felt like a burden, and secondly, he found it rather uncomfortable. He hated explaining himself to people. It was ridiculous, and his opinion he didn't need to. And besides-- he himself didn't know how he had felt about that kiss! It was only quick, and Shadow only had half a minute to process it. But... It had felt nice. He couldn't deny the warm happy feeling in his stomach that made him feel like he was on cloud nine-- but he also couldn't deny the horrible embarrassment he felt from Rouge's prying eyes. No doubt she'd laugh now she knew. No doubt he'd never hear the end of-

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