The Cave

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A strong flash blinded the blue hedgehogs emerald eyes, causing him to wield his face away from the constant white beam that surrounded him. He could feel the presence of Tails and Knuckles nearby him. Not next to him, but close. After more than ten seconds, Sonic could feel his stomach start to churn. They had teleported far, and were still traveling. The blue hedgehog was still learning how to manipulate the emeralds, and by Shadow's word, it was definitely a 'shoddy' attempt at Chaos control. Feeling dizzy and uncomfortable in the constant white that was the scenery, Sonic couldn't help but remember the time he had travelled with Shadow, and almost couldn't believe it had been the same action. Shadow's Chaos control felt powerful, strong and confident. It hadn't wavered once, causing the blue hedgehog to feel at ease, almost comforted by the light. But Sonic's chaos control simply felt weak, and nauseating.

Grinning at the negative judgement he was making of himself, Sonic laughed and released a breath he didn't even realize he had been holding in. Calming down once again as reality gently sunk back in, his fur becoming hot and heavy, the scenery becoming dark and eerie. Focusing on his surroundings Sonic blinked several times. It seemed the mobians were in some large cave, molten magma dripping slowly down the craggy walls, like icing pooling off the edge of a cake. The floor was boiling and flushed golden yellow when Sonic move his cherry red sneakers over it.

Hearing voices come from the distance, Sonic's blue ears twitched as he perked his head up, realizing that Tails and Knuckles were nowhere in sight. Observing the volcanic room he was in, he noticed a thin hallway, currently housing two sapients of primary colours. Grinning a toothy grin, the blue hedgehog walked over to his friends, and chuckled at Tails who was currently placing his hand on and off the wall, clearly intrigued by the way the rock glowed brightly, as soon as the slightest of pressure was applied to the surface.

Spinning on his heel, the red Echidna turned to face Sonic and gestured to him with a click of his wrist; "come on, we've gotta move."

Nodding in haste, Sonic proceeded after Knuckles, Tails, removing his hand from the uneven wall, quickly followed suit.


Sniffing the humid air that filled the large underwater bunker, a white bat stared at her teammate in worry. He had been extremely quiet all the way from G.U.N headquarters, and sure, Shadow never really was the talkative type, but something was clearly bothering him for him to be this distant. The dark hedgehog was a perfectionist, he was always on edge, determined to solve anything that came his way, however, right now he seemed to be the complete polar opposite.

Running her hand along the slimy, algae infested wall, Rouge reeled her hand back in disgust, and turned back to the silent ultimate life-form. "Your awfully quiet today hun, anything you wish to share?" Rouge said finally, her voice soft and caring.


Getting no answer from the dark hedgehog, not even a grunt, Rouge furrowed her eyebrows. "Shadow! " The white bat exclaimed, standing in front of the hedgehog.

Softly, Rouge reached her hand out towards Shadow's chin, lifting his head up so she could finally look him in the eye. "It's no good bottling your emotions up all  the time, it's good to tell people what's wrong, so you can work together to fix the problem. And don't act like it's nothing either, I've been watching you all day. I know when something is troubling you Shadow."

Locking his ruby eyes onto sapphire eyes, Shadow pushed Rouge's hand off his chin and opened his mouth.

However, to Rouge's dismay, a loud buzzing noise was heard, making it clear the commander wished for them to be back at G.U.N. Rolling her eyes dramatically, the white bat grabbed her friends striped arm; "hey, at least you don't have to swim home today." Flapping her black wings proudly.


"I guess this is it?" Sonic asked himself as he spun around the endless caverns. Wiping endless sweat off of his brow due to the immense heat, the blue hedgehog reached around in his quills in anticipation, once gloved fingers had found the desired object, Sonic retracted his hand carefully, not wanting to cut himself in his own quills.

Opening his clasped hand up, Knuckles and Tails peered over the blue hedgehogs shoulder. "What's that?" Tails asked in confusion.

Staring at a white collar that had a large green sphere embossed into it, Sonic stroked his finger across it fondly. "It was the last thing Chip gave to me. It's the only proof I have that he ever existed."

Sonic had grabbed the flashy necklace from his house on his display shelf, hoping it was useful in someway.

Nodding awkwardly, Knuckles observed Sonic's face, quickly adding to the conversation. "Okay, but what now? How do we find this 'Chip'?"

Snapping his head up, Sonic's face dropped. "Ahh, well... Umm..."

"You don't know. Do you?" Knuckles stated , clearly not impressed that they had travelled nearly half way across the world, only to find out the blue idiot had no idea what he was doing in the first place.

The thick silence that followed shortly after Knuckles' words backed the red echidna's statement up, Sonic clearly had no idea what he was doing.


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