The One With Shadow's Bed

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Instantly reeling his hand and body away from where the other rested, Sonic choked on his words; "H-hi Shads, t-thought you'd never wake up!" He exclaimed, nervously rubbing the back of his head.

Furrowing his eyes at the blue hedgehog, Shadow simply stared at him with an unimpressed expression. "Why are you in my home, hedgehog?" the striped mobian asked sternly.

Clearing his throat, the other spoke confidently this time, "Well, i was up for a race and I thought who else better to go on a race with than Shadow!" Sonic said, a smile settling brightly upon his facial features, however nervousness cracking through his voice ever so slightly. Sonic was slightly confused however as to why Shadow hadn't already murdered him by now.

"As interesting as that sounds Faker, I simply cannot abide." Shadow smirked internally as he watched the younger ones face fall in clear disappointment.

"Nyaw, ~~ what's wrong? The Ultimate Lifeform can't take on the great Sonic The Hedgehog in a race?" Sonic replied mockingly, Wondering how far he could take this as he leaned in closer to the hedgehog's face.

Glaring at the hedgehog irritably he snapped, "Well, the great 'Sonic The Hedgehog' will have to wait for his race, for I am famished." Swinging his legs off the sofa in a neat twist, nearly kicking the blue hedgehog in the face as he tried to escape Sonic's intent stare.

"W-Woah! Watch your feet Faker!" Sonic yelped, narrowly missing the skate that came flying in his direction. Sonic watched as the hedgehog silently slipped into the kitchen. Staring intently at Shadow, who was now walking away, he couldn't help but notice the slight limp as he walked... Shaking it off, he growled at Shadow's rude departure, and swiftly followed after him.


Rifling through the others kitchen, Sonic shot a glance at Shadow. "Man, you really need to restock your fridge, there's nothing but green stuff in here!"

Rolling his eyes at Sonic's terminology he replied "Yes. I believe you're right." Snarling, knowing full well that his supply of food had been digested by a white bat.

"We could always go out and grab something to eat instead, I'm quite hungry myself." Sonic lied, knowing full well he had eaten less than twenty minutes ago. Shadow gave a quick nod at his comment, hoping that this would take Sonic's mind of that stupid race he wanted, because Shadow really didn't feel like running after the abuse his backside had taken last night.

Holding himself by the sink for a mere second, Shadow couldn't help but realise he wasn't annoyed by Sonic's presence. The week from hell had finally ended, the mission had been Shadow's worst nightmare. He shared the same distaste for water as his blue counterpart, not as far as Sonic's irrational fear of water went, but still nonetheless, didn't particularly enjoy being submerged in the stuff constantly. So adding to this; his shit night and how awful he actually felt deep down, Sonic was almost like a relief to him. A sense of normalcy in his world. 

Whilst Shadow cleared up the mess the blue hedgehog had made in the kitchen, Sonic walked back into the living room to explore the rest of the small penthouse. Walking down a hallway that lead to a luxurious balcony overlooking the city, Sonic found the room he presumed was Shadow's. Turning the knob silently, Sonic creeped into the room.

Sonic's jaw dropped. He had never thought of Shadow as being someone who enjoyed the life of luxury, but this proved that theory wrong. The bedroom had a king sized bed in the middle, adorned with a white and pale blue duvet and two plump cushions. There was once again a huge view of the city, being up so high, made it the perfect view. In the corner was two comfy white reading chairs, with a large light hovering above both. But what really caught Sonic's eyes were the walls. Nearly every single wall was decorated with a built in bookshelf, each shelf stuffed to the brim with thick books.

Shaking his head, the blue hedgehog laughed to himself as he walked towards the bed. Kicking his cherry red shoes off, Sonic launched himself onto said bed. Nuzzling into the soft luxurious cushions, he couldn't help but notice the strong scent of the dark hedgehog. Embedding his nose deeper into the fabric, Sonic felt like he was in heaven. Shadow's scent wasn't unappealing to the blue hedgehog at all, in fact, quite the opposite. Sonic had never really taken the time, nor stood near Shadow for long enough to take in his scent before, but found out he smelt of warm cinnamon and fiery spice. Drifting off rapidly, the blue hedgehog completely forgot about the other who was currently looking for him after he had cleaned his kitchen.

Shadow stood in the living room, bewildered as to where the blue hedgehog had gone, until he looked to his left and saw his bedroom door had been swung open. Rolling his eyes he walked towards his room and stepped inside. Looking at his dishevelled bed, he noticed the blue furry lump that was currently slobbering into his pillows. Narrowing his eyes, he placed his hand upon the duvet, and swiftly lifted it up, causing the hedgehog who was curled upon it to fall straight onto the floor in an undignified heap.

"GAH!" Sonic yelped loudly, his  body smacking the hardwood floor.

"Thought you were hungry hedgehog?" Shadow smirked smugly, whilst flipping his sheets back on the bed and smoothing them down quickly.

"Yeah, but your bed looked more inviting" Sonic said, flashing a cocky wink Shadows way. Stretching his arms high into the air, twisting his torso, the blue hedgehog purred lightly. "Let's go then." He quickly added, ignoring the scowls the other was throwing at him.


This took longer than it should have, but hey, I'm a huge procrastinator so this was moderately quick for me- as always, I take requests

Blue and hairy ~ sonadowTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon