Green Eyes

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A gloved hand flew out of bed, attached to a yellow furry limb in frustration, hunting for a small flashing device on the nightstand. The communicator had been going off for at least ten minutes! What on mobius did Shadow want at six o'clock in the morning?

Groaning loudly, the yellow fox lifted himself from his warm bed and grabbed the communicator in misery. Clicking the green button in the centre of the device, a large green hologram was displayed in front of his tired eyes, to reveal a stripy dishevelled hedgehog staring back at him impatiently.

"Urr, hello Shadow? What's wrong? Sonic's okay, right?" The confused Kitsune asked.

"Okay as in: he's currently licking my leg like a feral beast, then yes. Sonic is, how you say, okay." Shadow scowled, glaring into the small monitor.

"Shadow, wolves do that, you are aware of that aren't you?" Tails asked, becoming even more confused as the seconds wore on.

"Yes. Fox boy. Wolves. Wolves  are meant to do that, not Sonic! " Shadow spat, instantly facing his communicator down so Tails could see a blue hedgehog latched onto a black leg, licking and sniffing it, occasionally letting out a tiny whimper.

"..." Tails's eyes shot open in horror.

"I'll be right over."


Scratching his head, Tails stared at the blue hedgehog that was currently sat on the table on all fours, One leg levitated slightly scratching the back of a small blue pointy ear, The room they were currently in was one of the Doctors abandoned examination room inside the seemingly never ending base. Sighing slightly, Tails smacked his face into his hand in frustration. He should have done something beforehand! Now the situation just seemed to be spiralling out of control, Sonic seemed to be lost to this form, with no real ways of escaping. Somehow the wolf had transitioned into daytime as-well, and Tails really wasn't looking forward to dealing with an angry blue hedgehog that had a problem with biting anything that wasn't Shadow. This was becoming stressful - and the black and red hedgehog pacing back and forth around the room really wasn't helping Tails to regain his cool.

Pouting slightly, Shadow flicked his communicator once more. Rouge wasn't replying from her intercom anymore after the few missed calls she'd attempted, and it was distressing Shadow out every second he got no reply from the other end of the communicator. Worried his team mate was more than annoyed at him, he Groaned, the black hedgehog glanced to the side to look at Tails. "I need to go, I need to report to G.U.N, my mission is due today, and Rouge hasn't been replying for two hours now."

Nodding slightly, knowing the black hedgehog wouldn't listen to him even if he objected, Tails once again examined Sonic, lifting his feet and hands, much to the hedgehog's distaste. Hearing a loud whine emit from the hedgehog, the yellow fox rolled his eyes in exasperation. "You'll see him later." Tails muttered under his breath, biting his lip. To be honest, the yellow fox was angry at Sonic. They had been best friends for years, but for some reason, the hedgehog-wolf-only seemed to want to be with Shadow. Keeping his opinions to himself, Tails reached for the phone next to him, and punched a number in.


Knuckles snorted at the sight. The blue hedgehog currently had one leg over his head, licking his backside intently, just like a cat. His mouth curled into a smirk, as he couldn't help but lift his phone up and take a picture of the blue blur in such a degrading position.

"What are you doing?" Tails asked wearily.

"Oh, nothing, just making sure I have plenty of blackmail if need be." The Echidna said with a smirk.

Shaking his head, Tails stared back at the red Echidna. "Knuckles! I'm being serious! If we aren't careful, Sonic could potentially stay like this forever!"

Noting the sheer panic in his friends voice, Knuckles slipped the phone away, and examined the hedgehog himself. "His eyes have changed colour."

"Huh?" Tails said in bewilderment. Glancing up, the yellow fox walked towards the blue hedgehog and looked him in the eye. Ignoring the glares and snarls he received from the other, Tails' mouth slid open in shock. The usually bright gleaming emeralds had become a dim, sickly green, causing Tails to step back. He was surprised with himself as his rather keen eye would normally catch something as drastic as this.

"Wait there!" Rushing out of the room, the yellow fox instantly ran around the base hunting for his red toolbox he had left in a corridor a few rows down. Grabbing it, Tails rushed back into the room, and reached his hand inside the ruby box.

Pulling his hand out to reveal a torch, Tails instantly rushed up to the blue hedgehog and shone it curiously into his eyes.

Almost instantly, the blue hedgehog reared back and let out a yelp, falling backwards off the table, landing upside down on the floor. "Ow?" The blue hedgehog voiced.

"Sonic?" Tails and Knuckles both said in unison.

"Yeah? W-what's going on? d'ya normally go around shining bright lights in peoples eyes or is that just me?" The blue hedgehog asked, standing up, rubbing his backside and laughing sheepishly at the yellow fox.

"Sonic!" Tails yelled in relief. "Your back!"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" Sonic asked in confusion, looking up at the young fox.

"We thought we lost you! You turned into a wolf, well no, not really, you were yourself! But you were also the wo-"

"Woah, woah, slow down there lil' buddy, i can't understand ya!" Sonic chuckled nervously, cutting Tails off.

"R-right, sorry. What really happened, was that your body changed, however the wolf didn't leave, Shadow left you with us... and then he left for work or something I'm not too sure about..." Tails said, looking the the side awkwardly.

Nodding slightly, Sonic looked away. This was just great. He was slowly losing himself, and without Chip around, things were getting out of hand. Sonic calmed his sudden tremble, a small freak out being forced to stay hidden beneath the surface. 

Hearing sniggering coming from the corner caused the blue hedgehog to become immediately distracted, Sonic spun around the face a red Echidna and was currently trying not to burst out in laughter. "What's wrong with you Knux?"

Handing the blue hedgehog the picture that he had taken on his phone, both Tails and Knuckles immediately busted out in laughter as the blue blur cringed as to what was on the screen.

"That's disgusting!"


whooo update time! If you guys are enjoying this story, please make sure to check my others stories out too--they need some love  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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