37 - The Chemist

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13thday of the fourth Month, Joker's Moon

2:00 pm

Midnight City

"Theth," Zedkiel sighed, "Stop acting so nervous, you are drawing attention to us."

"Well they're freaking me out," Theth hissed under his breath. He was almost glued to Zedkiel's back, looking around, his brow furrowed as he tried to keep an eye on every vampire on the street – he wasn't sure half of them were actually vampires but he still kept an eye on them.

He just didn't like the way they moved. They're movements were too fluid, too quick, very elegant certainly, but almost too fast for normal eyes to keep up with. As they talked and smiled and laughed, their fangs gleamed in plain sight – Kalen always kept his in their shrunken form so they were barely any longer than normal canines. And he never moved like that either. He moved more like a human – a graceful human with quicker reflexes but still a human. The vampires in this city did not move like humans. They moved like their own species.

"And you," Zedkiel said, catching Incendio's ear and dragging him over, "stop growling at them, you are hugely outnumbered."

Incendio bristled and another low growl escaped his throat. A vampire passing glared at him, highly affronted.

Zedkiel sighed and pushed open the door to the chemist he was stood in front of – almost jammed up against the glass door because Theth was crowding him.

Looking around, the shop was bright and the sign had said it was open but he couldn't see anyone.

"Hello?" he called.

"Welcome," someone said and the chemist rose so suddenly from a corner of the shop, from behind some shelves, that Theth jumped.

"What was he doing? Why was he hiding?" Theth hissed, staring at him.

Zedkiel leant to the side to peer down the aisle the chemist stood in, then sighed. "He was restocking the shelves. Now could you please be so kind as to calm down?" He shook Theth off his arm and walked down the aisle. "Good evening, I was hoping you could assist me. My group has been travelling and one member has fallen ill. I do not know what ails him and I was hoping you might be able to give me some advice."

Chemist frowned slightly, folding his arms. "I might disappoint you," he warned, "I'm afraid my knowledge of other breed is minimal. I only know that which is universal to all humanoid breeds, I can certainly try though."

"Ah no, the final member is a vampire," Zedkiel said quickly.

The chemist's eyebrow rose and he looked at Incendio. "A vampire and werewolf travelling together?"

"Yes, I would not call our group... conventional," Zedkiel said.

"No, certainly not, but I should be able to help and if not, I know people who can. Please, come through to my office and have a seat."

He led them through to the small cosy office at the back, which consisted of walls of floor to ceiling bookcases, a large dark-wood desk, a sofa and two plump arm chairs – one of which Incendio sat on and immediately sank into, getting himself stuck.

As he struggled to right himself, the chemist said, "I'll just get you something to drink. Tea?"

"Please," Zedkiel said, examining the other chair for a moment, before taking out a handkerchief and spreading it on the edge of the seat – as usual – perching on it. Theth, who dropped onto the sofa, rolled his eyes – which usually would have been Kalen's job.

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