47 - The Ice Lily Inn

924 100 27

7thday of the fifth Month, Worth's Moon

7:00 pm

The Ice Lily Inn

The risk turned out to be worth it though. The horses stopped outside the Ice Lily Inn, where grooms were there to meet them, taking the reins and steadying the animals.

Another staff member threw open the door as the boys slid off the horses and Incendio pulled Theth into the warmth.

As the door was closed behind them, the boys looked around. The entrance hall was a high ceilinged room with beams and rafters on the arching roof. On the left wall was a huge fireplace, lit, with sofas and armchairs placed before it, a soft rug on the warm wood floor and above the fireplace was a massive portrait of four young men, straight-backed with proud and confident smiles, standing before two snow horses.

On the back wall was a large desk in the middle and two doors on either side. Then on the right side was the staircase and balcony that ran the length of all walls, other than the wall with the fireplace. Along the right and back wall, there was the stairs and passages off the balcony that led to the rest of the inn. On the front wall, there was a large window that let you look out over the snow plains towards the Snow Queen's palace. Kalen's eyes were also drawn to a grand piano that was tucked under the stairs, made of black wood with golden lilies and roses painted on.

Theth was placed in one of the armchairs in front of the fire, his eyes still glazed over. Incendio crouched down in front of him, shaking his arm.

"Theth, we're at the inn. Hey, Theth, you know it's weird when you sleep with your eyes open, right?"

Despite the joke, Incendio's brow was creased with worry and his ears were flat on his head, is tail tucked tight against his leg.

Zedkiel and Kalen quickly moved over, Zedkiel pulling the snow covered layers of clothing away.

"Ah, you've arrived," came a voice from the back wall. They looked around to see a woman appearing out of one of the doors, carrying a tray. She was probably middle aged, but it was hard to tell, she could have been younger. Her rich blonde hair was tied up at the top of her head, and she had warm brown eyes. Perhaps it was the soft subtle roundness to her features or the look in her eyes, but Kalen knew she was a mother - and one that loved hugs, she reminded him of the mother of one of his classmates who had loved hugs - the thought brought his own mother to mind and he turned his whole attention to the woman before his thoughts wondered.

When she reached them, balancing the tray with one hand, she gestured for them all the sit before setting the tray down on the coffee table before the fireplace. Handing over three of the mugs, she then picked up the last one, knelt beside Theth's chair and gently turned his face towards her.

His body had started to tremble, though he was still unfocused, pale and blue.

"Theth," she said gently, resting a hand over his, "I need you to drink this for me, love."

Zedkiel's eyes flicked over at the mention of his name while Incendio's straightened quickly, looking at the mug.

"What is that?" he asked.

"A medical drink to combat the cold that has sunk into your friend's body," the woman said calmly, looking at him, "it is not poison and will do him no harm, though I will try it first if you wish, or you can."

Incendio looked at Zedkiel and Zedkiel looked at Theth whose body was starting to shake harder.

"Give it to him," he said, waving his hand slightly.

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