80 - Twins

887 96 45

16th day of the forth Month, Worth's Moon

3:00 pm

The Forgotten Temple

Incendio touched his stomach. That was a lot of blood. It probably should have hurt more then it did but since it didn't, Incendio just stared at it in confusion.

His brother had stabbed him.

In the stomach.

That was... unexpected.

He looked up and jolted backwards, narrowly avoiding the dagger being driven into his eye. Clutching his waist, he stumbled to his feet, his free hand sharpening its claws as he backed away.

"What did you do to him?" he snarled, staring at Mica.

Mica shrugged. "Did I do something?"

"What did you do?!"

"What makes you think I did anything? Maybe he just wants to get rid of you."

Incendio looked back at Flare whose gaze met him dead in the eye. He looked completely aware of himself.

"What's wrong?" Incendio said.

Flare just adjusted his grip on the dagger.

"Why? Why are you here? You should be home? What about your parents, they'll be worried," Incendio said and Mica started laughing, clapping his hands together, rocking back on his seat.

"Really, Incendio? Really? They lock you up for thirteen years, forget about your existence and you worry about them?" he said, shaking his head in disbelief, "What is the matter with you, child? Where is your rage? You are fire!"

Incendio pushed himself away from the wall he had almost trapped himself against and circled his twin, trying to keep an eye on both him and Mica.

"My element doesn't dictate how I think. If that was the case, Kalen or Theth would be better," Incendio pointed out.

Mica just shook his head. "All of you, all four of you – no, all five of you if I include the Child – you are all wrong. Nothing about your generation is correct. Why are you so wrong?"

"There's nothing wrong with us," Incendio said, looking at him, pulling his hand away from his waist – he was starting to heal. "Everyone else just thinks there is."

Mica looked at him in confusion, his eyes flicking to Flare and in the second's distraction, Incendio snapped his fingers and the torches on the walls went out, plunging them into darkness.

The effect was limited. Even if they couldn't see, they were all still werewolves; hearing was no challenge for them, hindered only by the sound of water. Incendio slammed his shoulder into the stone doors but they didn't budge, he only succeeded in bruising himself. That action was instantly followed by him launching himself into the air to avoid the approaching blade he only knew was coming because he heard it whistle as it split the air around it.

He rocketed upwards, angled his body, kicked off the doors and launched himself straight over the balcony, just managing to catch the edge to stop himself hurtling into the black water rushing below that was falling, he realised, from a waterfall that poured out from under the balcony itself.

His dangling feet brushed against something and after a quick feel around, it revealed itself to be a narrow ledge sticking out from the waterfall, slippery but big enough for him to sit on.

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