Chapter 4

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Being the coward that I am, I had avoided Mr. D the rest of Club week. I had to go stealth mode to pull it off, but I'm a master at stealth. I had to remain unseen during the games, so I just employed those talents a little early. Like a sneaky little ginger ninja, or ginja.  

I still had to participate in the club activities, which was a bitch. I would always stand in the back, cowering in some small corner. In the halls, I would dart into a room if he came into my view. I was a chicken shit and I knew it. 

My brain was all confused, I thought I was repulsed by Mr. D. I had thought I could enjoy his good looks without feeling anything. Now, all I could think about was him kissing me, without a shirt on. I blame the muscles and my hormones! I guess I could only hold out for so long before they would take over, but couldn't it have been with someone else. I would have even preferred it to be Jason, pretty much anyone except Jameson, I mean Mr. D.  

I looked myself over in the bathroom mirror and sighed. I couldn't avoid him anymore, the first day of school was upon me. I had to speak to him, no matter how much I didn't want to. I was supposed to give him my scores at the end of every school day, I had no choice but to suck it up. I figured that if I could just pretend that it never happened, he would follow suit.  

With my new idea in mind, I finished getting ready. I brushed out my hair, leaving it to air dry, and applied my make-up. I was half tempted to not even get ready and just look as crappy as possible, but my inner want to look good for the first day of school won me over. I couldn't go to class, on the first day, looking like crap. It's in the girl code.  

I walked down the first set of stairs towards the main building and came to a halt. At the bottom of the second set stairs was Mr. D, looking mighty fine in his uniform. My mind sent me images of our kiss, and I swear my heart skipped a few beats. That couldn't be normal, or healthy.  

Mr. D stared at me for a moment with a half smile on his face, which I returned with a grimace."Get down here Carlie!" He yelled from the main floor.  

I let out an exaggerated sigh and began my decent. Most girls would relish at the thought of descending a grand staircase towards a handsome boy, not me. No, I was hyperventilating with every step I took, wishing I could disappear into thin air. I wasn't looking into the eyes of my prince charming, I was looking into the eyes of my biggest mistake. A big mistake that I had to face, and deal with every day.  

I made it to the last step before my feet ran into each other and I stumbled right into the arms of the enemy. 

"Well, if it isn't the amazing disappearing woman," Mr. D laughed as he lifted me back up into an upright position. I cringed slightly when he grabbed my arm and laced it threw his own.  

"Trust me, I can't just disappear," I grunted. I would know, I just tried.  

"Oh really? Then why haven't I seen you since Tuesday?" He asked.  

"Well, because you kissed me, and I didn't want you to get the wrong idea," I said honestly. I pulled us to a stop and moved us over to the wall, out of the way of all the moving students.  

"Wrong idea?" He tilted his head to the side, the confused expression on his face made my insides want to melt. He was so damn cute!

My eyes widened at my bodies response and I shook my head, forcing the crazy thoughts away. "Yeah, you see, that will never happen again," I rushed out, "You and I will never happen, you just caught me by surprise." 

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, beautiful," He laughed.  

Before I could argue with him, the phone in my purse started vibrating furiously. I pulled myself loose from Mr. D and reached into my bag, grabbing the phone. 12 text messages. Here we go. 

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