Chapter 13

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I was going to lose my mind. If I had to listen to one more boy's cheesy pick-up lines, I was going to die. No, no I was going to kill myself. The boys were relentless, they never stopped! I even had pick-up line nightmares!  

Do you have a map? I'm getting lost in your eyes.  

I wanna live in your socks so I can be with you every step of the way.  

Damn, if being sexy was a crime, you'd be guilty as charged!  

I was wondering if you had an extra heart mine seems to have been stolen. 

Smoking is hazardous to your health... and baby, you're killing me! 

There isn't a word in the dictionary for how good you look. 

I'm fighting the urge to make you the happiest woman on earth tonight. 

My love for you is like diarrhea, I just can't hold it in. 

Hello, I'm a thief, and I'm here to steal your heart. 

They were everywhere! Some as you can see were decent, but what the hell is up with that diarrhea one? I mean really, that is sick. What's worse is that the girl giggled and accepted his date offer.  

I'm sorry, but if anyone asked me out using the word diarrhea, I would laugh in his face and walk away. It's called standards ladies, get some! 

"Carlie!" James yelled as he ran down the carpeted hall towards me. He looked good, as always, in his school uniform. His red hair was gelled to perfection and I was sure he would smell amazing. James wore the same cologne that Mr. D did.  

"What's up cowboy?" I asked. James gave me a small smile, he knew I was irritated, because he had been helping me keep up with scoring the boys. He hadn't once blocked a guy, but we kept that a secret from Mr. D.  

"See that wall over there?" He asked, pointing to some wall off in the distance. 

"Uh, yeah," I answered slightly moving around him so I could see the one he was pointing at.  

"I was so enchanted by your beauty that I ran into it, so I'm gonna need your number for insurance purposes." He smiled wide and bowed low.  

I burst out laughing. "James! That was amazing!" I half yelled, choking on my own laughter. I thought I couldn't handle one more line, but that one actually made my day.  

See people, gingers are amazing. 

"I know, I used it on Janessa to ask her to the dance, cept I actually ran into a wall." 

"Oh, and what did she say?" I asked, sobering up almost immediately. I felt horrible for him. Janessa turned everyone down, and James was my friend. He was like a little puppy that I wanted to protect from the big mean girl. 

"Well, she said yes, of course," he said, looking at me like I was an idiot. "Well, she said as friends, but that'll change." 

"Of course it will," I laughed. Was it weird that I felt relieved, because I did. "She will fall for that southern charm and you will live happily ever after bailing hay in ballroom attire." 

"Oh, you got that right," he laughed, "by the way, I also sold all our tickets." James, also known as the most awesome guy in the world, wouldn't let me sell my own tickets. He thought I was too busy to deal with it. He was right, and I was extremely grateful. 

"You're the best," I said, giving him a half hug. "What about the masks?" 


I wrapped my arm around his and started pulling him down the hall, "Absolutely amazing," I sighed. 

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