Chapter 22

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I sat at my desk, furiously tapping my pencil against my notebook while my English teacher droned on about something. I watched as Calvin and George talked up the girls sitting next to them. The teacher didn't bother to tell them to stop, and continued on with the lesson like nothing was happening. I guess we really did get special treatment.  

Watching Calvin ad George was making me sick. I couldn't look at any of the guys in the same way I had before. I just kept picturing them hitting the girls that they were talking to; I couldn't get it out of my head. Especially Calvin. I had known the boy since I was ten; he used to split his lunch with me when my mom would send me to school with a tuna sandwich. He made me a card when my dog died, and he beat up a boy in the seventh grade for calling me stupid. I didn't want to think about him doing it, but it was still a possibility.  

Then there was George. He actually had a steady girlfriend for freshman and sophomore year. They broke up right before this year and that's the only reason he agreed to be in the games. He wasn't the kind of guy to even be in the games, he was actually a serial monogamist. He was too nice to be in the games, or to beat up a girl. At least I hoped so.  

Still, I couldn't stop questioning them. It could be anyone, hell it could even be Jason for all I knew. He always hated the games and refused to ever participate in them. He even said 'I told Jameson these games were a bad idea.' Was he the one, was he trying to prove the damage that these games could cause? No, it couldn't be him, he was at the dance with me, and he was actually sleeping after I found Amber. 

What about Blane? He was one of the buffers for more than one of the girls. He was new this year, so I hardly knew anything about him. Yeah he was pushy at first, but ever since I spoke to him about just being friends, he has been the perfect gentleman. Not to mention he was actually with me when one of the girls was attacked.  

There was absolutely no questioning James. He was my best friend. Not only that, but he was at the dance with me, he is the one who took me to all the girls, and when he wasn't with me he was with Janessa.  

Ugh!! I could go on and on about who it couldn't be, and I had no idea on who it could be. I was getting nowhere and it was driving me absolutely crazy.  

"Carlie! Enough with the pencil!" Mr. Wright roared. 

The volume of his voice cutting through my thoughts caused me to jump and flip the pencil out of my hand and into the head of the guy that sat a few seats in front of me.  

"Sorry," I said with a nervous giggle.  

Once the teacher and every student in the classroom stopped staring at me and turned back towards the front, I slumped down into my chair and laid my head down on the desk. I needed to figure out what to do. I had to figure out something.  

I lifted my head and then dropped it back down onto the desk, much harder than I meant to. Apparently it was just enough to throw and idea into my head.  

"I gotta go to the nurse!" I yelled jumping up.  

"What?" Mr. Wright asked, "You look fine." 

Oh, right. Jumping up and yelling all excited probably wasn't going to help me. I twisted my face up to look pained, or so I hoped, and then clutched my stomach. "It's my stomach," I whined.  

Calvin looked at me with an eyebrow raised, he knew I was lying.  

"Fine, go," Mr Wright said, rolling his eyes and pointing towards the door. He too knew I was lying, but I didn't care, I got what I wanted. 

I scooped up my stuff and flew out of the room like my ass was on fire. I had figured out another person I wanted to talk to; the nurse, obviously. She had seen every girl, she had to know something that I didn't.  

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