Chapter 10

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I walked back into my room in a complete haze. Knowing that I liked Jason didn't bother me, it actually made me smile, but knowing that I liked Jameson made me want to vomit.  

I was so confused. I thought Jason was a huge playboy, but I was starting to re-think that. At the same time, maybe he was just really good at the game and I was just another trophy. I didn't even know what to do about Jameson.  

I stopped walking when I saw Amber, she was completely covered by her comforter, everything except her eyes, "What the hell are you doing?" I asked.  

"I just got done watching that new slasher movie with Jordan, it freaked me out," she said, pulling the covers around her more.  

"So you're hiding under the covers?" 

"Yeah, so the killer doesn't get me!" 

"Oh right, cause if a killer came in here, he'd be like," I lowered my voice for effect, "I'm gonna kill . . . oh wait you're under the covers, never mind."  

"Ugh, fine!" She groaned and kicked all her blankets off. She was wearing only a bra and panties. Gross. 

I ran over to her bed and threw the covers back over her, mostly for my own protection. "Forget what I said, stay covered let's see if it works." 

She laughed and kicked the covers back up, "You're so funny Carlie." Ugh! One day I am going to tell her flat out that she is a moron.  

I ignored Amber while I got myself ready for bed. She was droning on about her date, I would have listened, but my mind was still stuck on my guy dilemma and I was trying to wash it out, I just couldn't figure out how.  

The only thing my mind came up with was going to sleep, so that's what I did.  

"Carlie, wake up," I woke up to Amber whisper yelling in my ear, leaving a little spit with it.  

"Ew, Amber! What the hell?" I growled, wiping the saliva away from my ear. 

"There is someone at the door!" She said still whispering.  

"So frickin answer it you weirdo!" Did the girl get dumber by the minute? Seriously, someone knocks, you answer it. Not rocket science.  

"No! What if it's a killer?" Oh dear god. 

"Oh right, I forgot, killers knock before they come in." I angrily pushed my covers away from me as Amber jumped back into her bed, coving herself up completely.  

"Idiot," I mumbled as I made my way to the door. If it was a killer, they better move quickly, because I was about to go ape shit for being woken up.  

I open the door to see James, my ginger buffer. He looked like hell; hair a mess, pajamas wrinkled, and face scrunched up. At that moment I couldn't remember why I had given him extra points.  

"What the hell James? It's like," I looked back into my room at the clock next to my bed, "one in the damn morning," I said looking back to him, ready to kill.  

"We got a problem," he said in his thick southern accent. Oh, that was where the points were. "You don't answer your phone." 

"I was sleeping." 

"Grab it and come on out here," he ordered. I would have told him to shove off, but the seriousness of his tone made me follow his directions.  

I grabbed my phone, turned it on and walked out of the room. "What's going on?" I asked. He had stopped me from moving away from the closed door.  

"Mindy Carlson, who was going after her?" 

"What?" I asked confused.  

"Look in your damn phone woman! Who was she with? I know Casey was one of them."  

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