Chapter 17

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Saturday morning were made for sleeping in. I believe they were designed to help you recoup from the madness of your week. You are meant to sleep in on Saturdays. Nothing is to be done before noon on a Saturday. Even if you wake up before noon, you should stay in bed. Just lay there and enjoy the feel of your bed.  

With that being said, I get really pissy when someone wakes me up before ten. It's not right! 

"Carlie, would you quit poutin, I woke you up at nine thirty, not that big a deal," James said. He was sitting on my floor with a car magazine in hand.  

He was bored, and nervous. He had asked Janessa to be his girlfriend and he was awaiting her response. He didn't flat out ask her to her face. He bought her a ginormous teddy bear, which I swore weighed more than me, and a dozen red roses. He placed them in front of her bedroom door with a cute little 'check yes or no' note.  

That was at nine, then at nine thirty the stupid boy decided to come wait in my room and wake me up. It was currently after ten and I was still lying in bed. I was following the noon rule.  

"Just get up and get dressed, you'll feel better," he carried on, not taking his eyes of the magazine.  

"Whatever, you're not even dressed," I whined. He was in a pair a blue plaid pajama pants and a white t-shirt. I wasn't sure if he slept in those, but I knew he wasn't actually dressed.  

"Yeah, but I'm also not complaining." 

"It's Saturday!" 

"So, I've heard." 

I don't think I was really as angry as I felt I was. I actually enjoyed being around James. He was probably my best friend; aside from Janessa. That boy actually knew everything that was going on with me, I never had to lie. The best part about him was the fact that he had never hit on me. Well, he did during the interviews, but that was it.  

James' phone began buzzing from its position on my night stand. I made him put it there because he refused to stop checking it, and it was getting on my nerves.  

I reached over and grabbed it before James even had a chance and shoved it under the covers with me.  

"Give it to me Carlie," he said calmly, but I knew he wasn't. He had been waiting for the damn thing to make a noise since he got here.  

"Promise that you will never again wake me up before ten on a Saturday," I said seriously. I had to make sure that the boy understood the importance of sleeping in.  

"Fine, fine I promise, now gimmie the phone!" 

"Oh, I don't know if I believe you." I sat up and placed the phone under my butt. He tortured me with an early wake up call, he deserved punishment.  

"I'm gonna give you five seconds, then I'm gonna get that phone," he threatened.  

Truth be told, I became a little nervous. James was a buff dude, and he treated me like I was one of the guys. This could quickly turn around on me. 

"I'm countin Carlie," he said taking a tiny step towards me, "1." 

I pulled more covers around me and tucked them under my legs. 

"How is that supposed to help?" He asked, motioning to my tuck job. 

"It just does," I replied, tucking in even more blankets.  

"2. Carlie, quit messin around." Another step. 

I pushed my body back against the wall that my bed sat against.  

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