Chapter 19

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"Ok, this is getting ridiculous!" I yelled at James. He was pulling me through the girl's dorm and towards the stairs. I wasn't sure where he was leading me, but I figured it was the Nurse's office.  

"I agree," he said. 

We rushed down the stairs so quickly that my feet constantly ran into each other. That led to me running into the back of James constantly, and James constantly grunting at me. 

"Damn Carlie, you are the most uncoordinated girl ever." 

"Im frazzled," I defended myself. 

"Well, pull yourself together." 

"Well, what the hell is the school doing about it?" I asked. They had to be doing something right? You can't just let girls get beat up. 

"I don't know Carlie, but I'm sure they're doing something," he sighed. 

"Yeah, sitting around with their thumbs up their asses!" 

James pulled me to a stop and rested his hands on my shoulders. He bent over, bringing his face level with mine, "Chill out woman. We can't run in there all crazy. We are concerned friends, so control yourself." 

"Ugh," I groaned. I didn't want to be in control. "Fine, tell me what you know." 

"The girls name is Lana Filer. She is a senior. One of your guys, two of Jameson's, and two buffers were on her." He said in one breath. "Carlie, this is our fault." 

"Not really, when you think about it, it's all Mr. D's fault," I shrugged. No way was I taking the blame.  

"Mr. D?" James asked, slowing down his pace. We were right outside the office.  

"Oh yeah," I said, remembering I had never told James about the little nickname. "That's what I call Jameson, cause he's a dick." 

"A dick you have a crush on?" 

"No one said I was perfect." Yeah, I was done denying it. I Carlie Peterson admit that I have it bad for Jameson Richards. It really hurts me to say that.  

"No, cause you also like his player roommate. You really are goin all out this year, aren't you?" He laughed.  

"Ahh, my god you're so not funny." I said with fake enthusiasm, "I'm gonna quit telling you things." 

"Right, I believe that." 

My retort became stuck in my throat when we made it to the office. Lana was being escorted out by the principal. She was definitely the worst; one eye swollen shut, a bandage covering the right side of her face, bruises covering her neck and arms, and a cut that went from her left eyebrow down to her chin.  

James pulled me away quickly and planted us behind a wall. We could still hear and see everything, it was perfect. He held his finger up to his mouth and made a very quiet shooshing noise. Then he grabbed my hand and pulled me tight against him so that we were both hidden.  

"This is the worst one yet," Our vice Principal, Mr. Cowly, told an officer. Our VP was a gross man. Very large, no hair, and a nasally voice. I don't how anyone spent more than five minutes with that man. "She fought back." 

"We need to put an end to this," the officer said. Oh really? I'm sure no one realized that until he brought it up. Way to go Officer Obvious.  

"I agree, but you're the law, that would be your job." Douchey much? 

"I assure you, we are doing all we can. For now, you should probably up your teacher patrols. This is happening in your school, right under your nose."  

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