Chapter 6

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Once my brain caught up with my whorey lips, I pushed Blane away from me. "Don't do that again," I said while catching my breath. I hated it that I was out of breath, I didn't even know how it happened. You can actually breathe while you kiss, it's not like your body shuts down your nostrils while your mouth is busy.  

"Why? Seemed like you were into it," he smirked. Ugh, I hated it when guys smirked. I'm sure I told you that already. 

"You caught me off guard, that's all." I pushed Blane further away from me and move towards the door. I had to get out of the small room before anything else happened.  

"Hey," he grabbed my arm and pulled me to a stop, grip strong enough to send a slight wave of pain up my arm, "let me buy you lunch." 

"How about you just give me the money, and I'll buy myself lunch." 

"That's not how it works Carlie," He laughed. I wasn't joking, I didn't know why he was laughing.  

"Well then, no thank you." I pulled my arm out of his grasp and exited the small room quickly. 

I made those last five steps to the dining hall and burst through the doors. Well, I actually tripped through the doors and stumbled a bit, but I think I recovered well enough that no one noticed.  

"Carlie!" Janessa yelled while waving her hands frantically in the air. She wasn't the only one yelling my name and acting like a crazy fan-girl, but she was the only one joking. It really amazed me how some girls acted just to get a little piece of popular. 

I kept a small smile on my face as I made my way to Janessa. The dining hall was the one place you could really relax. It was like going to a restaurant, except we had a food line.  

"J, was that really necessary?" I asked when I made it to her table. She sat with three other girls, none of which I recognized.  

"Of course!" She laughed, "I wouldn't want that pretty little head of yours to shrink."  

Janessa looped her arm in mine and pulled me toward the food line. Our meals were set up like a Las Vegas buffet. We had tons of choices ranging from Sushi to Spaghetti, and it was all good food, we didn't have awful cafeteria food that you couldn't identify. It was my absolute favorite part of school. 

"So, you seem flustered," Janessa said as we began piling food on our plates, "Care to explain?" 

"I don't know what you mean," I lied.  

"Well you tripped coming in here, nice recovery by the way, and your lips are all swollen." 

Well shit, I had no choice now but to tell the truth. I mean I could have lied, but then I would have to remember that lie, and that was too stressful. "Blane pulled me into the janitor's closet." 

"Well that's nice." She said like I had just told her that I bought a new shirt.  

"No, it was not. I mean, okay, he is a good kisser, but I didn't want to kiss him. His lips attacked mine and I didn't mean to kiss back, it just happened. I don't want a boyfriend, or a make-out friend, or. . ." 

"Whoa, slow down with the word vomit," Janessa laughed, "I get it, he started it." 

I let out a breath and then refilled my lungs. I was flustered, my poor lips had been attacked by two really good looking guys, and my hormones responded for me. Stupid things were causing me so many problems.  

"Ya know," Janessa said steering me back towards her lunch table, "I don't think I have ever seen you with a guy, I mean a boyfriend guy. You're actually always with guys." 

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