Chapter 18

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"I don't want to," I whined to Janessa.  

We were sitting in one of the small living rooms that were placed throughout our dorm halls. It was Sunday night and I needed time with a girl; no boys.  

We decided to watch a scary movie; I don't even know why, cause I don't like them. They are all the same; bad guy never stays down, and girls always run up some stairs. Why not run out the front door? I mean it's right there.  

"Well, you should," she responded, tossing a few pieces of popcorn at me. 

"I haven't even seen him since the pizza thing." We were discussing my third and final date; with Blane. 

I hadn't spoken a word to him since the big pizzeria date thingy. He left that night, and it was like we had never met. He hadn't been sitting next to me in class, and he hadn't hit on me once. I had seen him around, but we were like strangers. I think that meant that he was over his little crush and that I didn't need to go out with him. 

"Do you still have a thing for him?" Janessa asked.  

"I don't know if I ever did have a thing for him." True story, I think all I had for him was my hormones; they liked him, not me. I hadn't even worried about his lack of attention; that had to mean something.  

"Well at one point you were worried about him, so I think you owe it to yourself to at least talk to him," she rationalized. 

"Fine, I'll make him talk to me tomorrow," I said reluctantly.  


Monday's, ah glorious Mondays. Everyone hates them ya know, unless it's summer time, then they lose all meaning.  

This Monday was going to suck for me. I had to get a boy to talk to me that hadn't tried to even say hello in a while. It made me feel desperate and I didn't like that. If he wanted to talk to me, he should search me out. I'm a girl, I shouldn't have to do any work.  

I knew where to find him; right outside our history class. He was there every morning, usually with a girl. Today was no different.  

He was standing there leaning against the wall with a tall blonde girl standing in front of him. I knew flirting was happening when she flipped her hair and let out a loud giggle. She should have just yelled, "I'm flirting with Blane," cause that's pretty much what an over exaggerated giggle and hair flip means. Anyone who walked by would know what was going on.  

"Hey," I said sweetly, tapping the girl on her shoulder, "when you flipped your hair I think some of your brain fell out." 

"What?" she asked. Her eyebrows were scrunched and the look in her eyes told me she didn't get it. 

"I think it landed over there," I said pointing down the hall. 

When she turned away, I grabbed Blane's arm and pulled him the other direction. "What's up your ass?" I asked once we were out of the blonde girl's sight.  

"What?" he laughed. He looked adorable. He pulled the uniform off just as nicely as Mr. D. His light bluish green eyes danced with amusement.  

"Well you have been avoiding me for a while so I was just wondering; did I piss you off, or do you have a large stick in your ass?" 

"I assure you, there is nothing in my ass," he laughed again, "and I'm not mad at you. Jameson told me to stay away from you, so I did." 

"That stupid douche pirate," I growled, "I'm gonna kick his ass." 

"Whoa now, you miss me that bad?" Blane asked, giving me a wink. I expected myself to swoon a little over that little wink, but it didn't happen.  

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