Chapter 5

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I made it in to History right after the bell rang, causing myself to have to take a seat all the way in the back, next to Blane. I tried frantically to find a seat anywhere else. Even next to the big kid who I'm pretty sure picks his nose.

There was nowhere, I had no choice.

"Hello, beautiful," He said as I sat down. His voice caused me to blush slightly, but I covered it up quickly with an eye roll. That would be my go to response in any situation; the eye roll. Eventually, my eyes are going to get stuck up in my forehead.

"Blane, I have a name," I replied. "I also have two girls for you." I pulled out my cell and scrolled though my texts until I found one from Calvin and George. "Tammy Holland and Mercy Ahrens." 

"How do I find them?" He asked, leaning over his desk and closer to me than necessary. I could feel the think walls of my personal bubble being invaded. 

I wrote down Collin's cell number and handed it over, "Text Collin, he will know. Then tell the other buffers." I pushed Blane away from me and searched out Chris. I hadn't received a text from him, and there were no girls around him. Guess I wouldn't be scoring him this period, and I didn't have any other classes with him.  

"Try to get to Mercy before lunch," I whispered to Blane. The teacher, whose name I hadn't caught, was blabbing on about something and I didn't want to get in trouble. I learned the first year of doing these games that I didn't want to get detention, I missed a lot of stuff while I was stuck in a cold room with a bunch of delinquents. Yeah, it turns out that even rich kids are tortured souls that need to act out. Go figure.

"I'd rather work on you," He smiled.  

"Would you just stop," I whisper yelled. That boy was killing me. I had never had to tell one of the boys more than twice to leave me alone, but he wasn't getting it. "You will get nothing from me!" 

Blane shook his head, but didn't say anything. I wasn't sure if he was saying 'no, I will not stop,' or agreeing to leave me the hell alone. "I'm persistent, I won't give up," apparently it was the first one.  

I hated to admit it, but I was enjoying his attention. It was hard for me not to, I didn't really know him like I did the other boys. He wasn't from our school, so I had nothing to hold against him. I was pretty sure he was a player just like the rest of the guys, but because I had nothing to prove it, I couldn't help but be intrigued by him. Plus there was something about him that was really familiar, but I couldn't figure it out. It was driving me to crazyville and renting me a room at Motel 6 Shades of Insanity.

I spent the rest of class ignoring Blane. He kept looking over at me and smiling, it was very distracting. I had no idea what the teacher was talking about. To say I was pissed about this boy's attention would be an understatement. I absolutely loathed the fact that he distracted me, I detested my own hormones for finding him so attractive, and I despised the sexy sound of his voice. This school year was already pissing me off and it was only the first day. Heaven help me. 

I kept my eyes trained on the teacher, even though I was keeping a mental count of how many times I caught Blane looking at me from the corner of my vision; we were 45 minutes into class and the count was 12. Now can you understand why I was so distracted?  

When the bell finally rang, five minutes later but felt more like five hours, I gathered my things up quickly. I wasn't used to being this flustered. Once I got to know all the boys and the games they played, it was easy for me to blow them off. Not with Blane, he was uncharted territory and I didn't have a map. Where the hell is Dora and that damn backpack?  

"Hey hey, what's with the quick step?" Blane asked. He had caught up to me right at I exited the room. Good thing I didn't let out that breath I had been holding all period. He grabbed my arm and spun me around to face him.  

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