Chapter 28

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We didn't speak as we rushed through the hallway. We just needed to make it to the main building. Damn Jason for picking an auditorium that was on the second floor, and in the back. It would have been so much easier to get ourselves out of this situation if we would have been closer to the main building. 

Mr. D picked that room just for the fact that it was so secluded, and at first I was glad Jason had picked it, but now I was wishing that we had just gone to my room. I was quickly tiring out and losing strength. I could tell that Janessa felt the same way, her loud, harsh breaths were all I could hear. 

We rounded a corner that would lead to the stairs, but we didn't make it very far. My body crashed into another body, a hard body, and then Janessa crashed into mine.  

I was about to go all ninja, but then I noticed that it was Jason. Instead of kicking his ass, I threw myself into his arms.  

"Are you ok?" He rushed out, equally as out of breath as we were. His eyes racked over my whole body, as his hands did the same.  

"Well I haven't got beat up yet, so yes, I'm ok." My body responded to his touch and I mentally chastised myself. How the hell was I reacting like that in the given situation? Oh that's right, I have whoremones.  

"Did you call the police?" Janessa asked.  

"Yeah, I did. We really need to go though, because I couldn't find Jameson and I think he is doing this with Blane." Jason said, effectively blowing my mind. 

"What?" I squeaked. How the hell had he come up with that? Why would Mr. D even do that? 

"After you left, I started looking through Blane's files. They are both on some of the same medication. Blane's emergency contact is Jameson's dad."  

"What?" I asked again. C'mon brain, work with me. None of this was making sense. 

"Blane is Jameson's cousin." Jason rushed out, "I didn't even know that." 

"Oh shit," I breathed out, "I know him, I mean I know Blane!" 

It hit me like a ton of bricks. I knew his eyes looked familiar!  

The night I got arrested, I was at a house party, Blane's house party to be exact. He told me his name was Thomas, and he told me he was Jameson's cousin. He actually had blonde hair back then, but I was sure it was the same guy. I thought his eyes were so beautiful, and swore to myself I would never forget them. 

"Why would they lie?" I asked. Well I practically begged. I felt so utterly shitty for not catching on sooner. Not to mention that I didn't want it to be Mr. D.  

"I don't know, but Blane does have bi-polar disorder, and he was hospitalized for a manic episode." Jason continued dropping bombs on my brain.  

"So why do you think Jameson is in on it?" I asked. I had to make sense of the situation. 

"There is no way only one person was doing it, and some of the things Jameson has said, to you in particular, makes me think it was him too. Plus they are related, there is no way Blane could have got away with this without Jameson knowing." 

"Ok, can we please discuss this later?" Janessa whisper yelled, "You may have forgotten, but a crazy guy is chasing us!" 

"Yeah," Jason sighed, "I called campus security too, there is only two of them left on school since everyone left." 

Ahh, that's where all the teachers were. Why couldn't I remember that it was Holiday? Damn it, I suck! 

That was the end of our conversation. 

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