Chapter 16

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It took me most of the day, but I eventually got my head back on straight. I had legit lost my mind in the past week and I had to make sure it didn't happen again. Mostly because I had a date, with Mr. D, in an hour.  

I was extremely nervous, not only because it was him and me, but because I had decided I was going to talk to him about the attacks. I felt better after I talked to him last time, and I was kind of hoping it would work out that way again.  

James rushed over to my room when I told him I had to report to Mr. D. I needed to write down everything he knew, so that I could hand over my journal. James did his best to fill me in on everything that had been happening, but all he really knew was who was hitting on who. Helpful, but not all that I needed.  

"I'm glad to see that you're back to normal," James said with a laugh. 

"Yeah yeah, you would go crazy too if you were dealing with everything I was," I defended. I know that most of my stress and problems revolved around three guys, but I liked to pretend that I had more important things bothering me too. 

"Right, cause boy problems are so tough," he said, laughing again. Yeah, James could see right through me. He knew everything that was going on, I had to tell someone, and he was the one. I could have told Janessa, but then I would have to leave out the games, and they were a major factor in my love life. I mean, she knew the facts about the boys, but I had to leave out so many details.  

"Hey, do you happen to know who Chelsea was going to the dance with?" I asked James, trying to change the subject off of me.  

"Why? You said you don't score at dances." 

"I don't, but she was waiting for her date, so I was wondering if you knew who it was?" 

"Yeah, it was Kyle Branson. He is one of Jameson's guys." 

"Right, and Mindy had a date with Kyle, who is also one of Jameson's guys." I speculated.  

"What are you saying?" James was just as into figuring things out as I was. We always had small talks about what was happening, but never like this. I was usually too busy with my own drama to actually get into it, but after I went crazy girl for a few days, I decided I needed to figure it out before it drove me to actual craziness. You know, the one you can't come back from.  

"Ok, so both girls were called sluts, or whatever, both girls were targets by Jameson's guys and buffers, maybe someone isn't trying to teach just the girls a lesson. Maybe they are trying to get to Jameson too." It was a long shot, but it kind of made sense to me.  

"Then why not just go after him?" 

"Because, that wouldn't hurt the games. These stupid games are Jameson's pride and joy, if the attacks get linked to it, we have to cancel them." 

"And Jameson would be pissed," James concluded.  

"Exactly, I don't think that's all it is, but what if it's part of it?"  

James looked down at our notes, then back up at me and shrugged, "I really don't know, but in five minutes he'll be here, and you can run it by him." 

I nodded. James was right, there was really nothing we could do without Jameson. We couldn't end the games without him and I thought that's what needed to be done. Even if they had nothing to do with anything, they really just needed to go.  

I helped James pack his stuff up and walked him to the door. I then changed into a pair of skinny jeans, a black tank-top, and a small white fitted jacket. I didn't want to be overly done up, it was a date, but not. 

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