Chapter 29

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"I can't run anymore," Janessa said, completely out of breath. 

I one-hundred percent agreed with her, but we were so close. We only had to round one more corner and go down the stairs, then we would be in the main hallway.  

"J, we have to," I replied, equally as winded. "We can't stop." 

"Carlie, my legs are jello," she whined.  

I looked over at Jason for some help, but he wasn't even paying attention to us. He was leaning against the wall, one hand on his chest, and the other on his head. He had sweat collecting on his forehead and his face was a dark shade of red. I was pretty sure he had a concussion, there was even a few spots of blood on his white t-shirt, probably from where the book hit his head.  

Proof that school books are way too thick! 

I pulled my eyes away from Jason when I heard sirens. I had never been so excited for that sound in my life. Those usually made me cringe, but at that moment they sounded like angels singing. 

"You guys hear that?" I asked excitedly. "C'mon, we have to get to the main level!" 

"No," Janessa begged, "Can't we just wait for them?" 

Right as she asked that a loud shot rang through the hall. What the hell? They had a damn gun? 

"When did they get a gun?" Jason asked, jumping away from the wall, expressing my inner thoughts perfectly. 

Another shot sounded, and then wall next to Jason practically exploded.  

"Are they crazy?" Janessa screeched.  

Um, Duh! She acts like she wasn't standing there with me when Jameson pretty much told us that he was crazy.  

"Still wanna sit here and relax?" I asked sweetly.  

"Ugh!" Janessa groaned out.  

"You know what?" Jason said, swaying slightly on his feet, "I will carry you if I have to J, but we are not staying here." 

He grabbed my hand with one of his, and then grabbed onto Janessa with the other, he quickly yanked us into a run. I was going to have to talk to Janessa later about her attitude, meaning that the girl needed to man up. She was doing so well at first.  

Shots were still going off around us as we rounded the corner. A few moments of running later, we were at the steps. We barreled down them so fast, I was surprised that I didn't fall. I mean, I'm not too good with stairs while walking.  

I could here Jason and Janessa breathing loud and heavy, matching my own. My legs were aching and I had a cramp that radiated from my stomach to my chest. I was certain that my lungs were about to explode. They were on fire and my mouth was bone dry, but I didn't stop. I refused to complain, and I knew that if I even mentioned taking a minute to breathe, we wouldn't get Janessa moving again. 

We got to the bottom of the stairs and rounded the corner, we were so close. The sirens were ringing loudly in my ears and I could faintly hear people yelling.  

Fear snuck into my stomach, I knew that if Jameson didn't stop on his own, they would have to do something to force him to stop. That could be anything, but they would probably shoot him, the boys had a gun of their own. Cops don't play when it comes to that.  

I could see the double doors that lead out to the main building. Red and blue lights lit up the dark hallway. My emotions were mixed at that moment. I wanted nothing more than to bust through those doors and be free of all the running, but at the same time I wanted to turn around and attempt to talk sense into Jameson.  

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