Chapter 21

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"Amber, what the hell happened to you?" I asked, running over to her side.  

She flinched back the second I collided with her bed, causing me to take a step back. She looked like a scared kitten; eyes wide, body shaking, and lips trembling.  

I slowly sat down next to her and softly paced my hand on her knee closest to me, "Amber, honey, tell me what happened." 

Without saying a word, Amber threw herself into my arms and sobbed onto my shoulder. I could feel her tears running down my back as I rubbed hers. I whispered words of reassurance, trying to calm the waterfall that was quickly soaking my clothes.  

"I said no, Carlie," She sobbed harder, "I said no!" 

My mind raced as I put her words and appearance together, she was raped? I racked my brain to see if anyone had told me she was a target, but I couldn't remember.  

"Who was it?" I asked as calmly as I could. I was desperate to know who it was, none of the other girls would tell me. 

"I can't Carlie, he will hurt me even more if I do, I didn't even see his face," She cried harder and repeatedly told me that she couldn't tell me anything. 

"Shh, Shh, it's ok, you don't have to tell me," I cooed. "Did he, ya know, um do anything sexual? 

"He tried, but I fought back as hard as I could." 

"Good, you did the right thing," I comforted her. It was a huge relief to know that it didn't go that far, but this was the closest yet, as far as I knew. Would the next girl be raped? 

When Amber had finally cried herself to sleep I slipped out of her hold. I rummaged through my bag until I found my cell phone and switched it on. I had a ton of missed text, but there were only four that I was concerned with.  

Amber Logen- Zack F 

Amber Logen- Kale A 

Just saw 2 guys going for Amber...told the other buffers - Dennis R 

Hey just checkin if ya wanted us to buffer Amber- Blane K 

Holy shit! It had to be one of ours! I shut the phone and stuffed into my back pocket. I quietly slipped out of the room and then ran the second the door was shut. I was on my way back to Jameson, this had to count as proof.  

I banged on Jameson's door like I was the police. I had only left a little while ago, he had to still be in there. Yes, it was almost midnight, but more reason for him to be in there. I pounded harder on the door, not willing to give up. We had a curfew, a curfew I was breaking to come talk to him. Not to mention I had to go all ninja just to make it the guy's dorm rooms. 

The one time I finally notice that the teacher's let us get away with shit, and then they show up. It's like they knew that I knew and were just trying to prove me wrong. Well dumb asses, where were you when Amber was getting beat up? 

I was about to bang the damn door down when it finally opened. There stood a very sleepy looking Jason. He was only in a pair of boxers, not leaving much to the imagination. He was squinting into the light provided by the hallway I was standing in, and leaning against the doorframe for support. 

I took advantage of his momentary lack of awareness and pushed past him, into the room. I had to flip the light on because he hadn't done that before he opened the door.  

"Carlie, please come in," He said sarcastically as he leaned against the wall, arms crossed over his chest. His beautifully sculpted, tan chest.  

Focus Carlie! I chastised myself. 

"Where is he?" I asked once I noticed that both beds were empty, and only one boy stood in the room with me. 

The D GamesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora