Chapter 23

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"Nope, absolutely not," James said, "That is the dumbest idea I have ever heard." 

I had just finished telling him what had happened the other day with the nurse. I told him I wanted to see who was right handed, and that was the response I got.  

I sat on my bed and stared down my friend. He was sitting right across from me, texting Janessa.  

"Why is it dumb?" I huffed out. It was something we could use to cross boys off the maybe list.  

"Because, just cause someone writes with their right hand, doesn't mean they only punch with that hand. Some guys are stronger on the other side, and sometimes they are equal and beat the shit out of you quicker. Not to mention that the police probably have more to go on than someone being right handed, and our VP was just giving you a little so you would budge." 

"You don't even think it's worth a try?" I asked. More like begged. I wanted to know who was right handed, even if what James had said was true. I'm right handed, and I punch with my right hand. Then again, I don't really fight, so I don't know which hand would actually leave the biggest damage.  

"I think that you're losing your damn mind if you think I'm gonna watch all them boys to see which hand they write with," he laughed. "Hey, when's Amber comin back?" 

"She's not," I shrugged, "Maybe for senior year, I don't know." He's really good at changing the subject.  

Yeah, Amber left. Her parents had decided she would heal better at home. Within one day, that day being yesterday, she packed everything up and left. I felt so horrible for her. She had finally started to dress better and get more dates, then she had to leave. 

"Still no word from Mr. D?" He asked. What the hell, what was he, Mr. Remind Me About Bad Shit Boy? 

"No, none," I spat.  

Jameson hadn't spoken to me since the night I tried to seduce him. He was giving me the cold shoulder. When I saw him, actually if I saw him, he would give me a nasty look and walk away. Then, after a few days of that shit, he just didn't come around me. He hadn't asked for my notebook, or anything for that matter. Whatever, I don't need that boy's crazy attitude anyways.  

"I got it!" Jason yelled, busting through my door and giving me a heart attack.  

"It's called knocking!" I yelled, clenching my chest.  

"I have the most brilliant idea, I had no time to knock." He sat down on Amber's empty bed, making it look smaller than it already was.  

He was still in his school uniform, his white shirt was strangling his muscles. He would probably be more comfortable if he just took the damn thing off. I'm just saying. 

"Well, I have no time for a heart attack," I replied. My mind was still on his chest, using the mental image from the other night when he answered in just his boxers. Ohhh, sweet memories. 

"Hey, I have no time for all this dumb arguin," James interrupted, "What's your idea?"  

"Collin," Jason said with a large smile. 

"What about him?" I asked. 

"He's the super nerd, he can get us files on all the boys in the games, and then we can see who has a history of crazy." He sat up taller and smiled even bigger. He was so proud of himself, and it was so cute.  

"That's actually good," James laughed, "How did we not think of that?" 

"Sorry, I was too busy doing all the work and interrogating authority figures," I responded. I was actually pretty pissed that I hadn't thought of that. It was pure genius.  

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