Chapter 27

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"How the hell did you rip that leg off?" Janessa asked, pointing at Frank's leg as she joined me on the floor. 

"I moonlight as Batman on the weekends" I answered. 

"Seriously though, those things are attached with wire, you would have to be super strong," She persisted. 

"Ugh, I don't know Janessa, adrenaline," I guessed.  

"How did you not hurt yourself?" 

"Are we really having this conversation right now?" Seriously, we were running from a guy that beat the hell out of girls, and she wanted to know how I got a leg.  

"Good point, let's discuss something important. What's going on with Blane?" 

I cringed at her question. How was I supposed to explain how I figured shit out without telling her that I helped the games?  

"He kind of told me," I answered. Hoping I wouldn't have to dive too deep into the story.  


"Before you came in. See, a few weeks ago, Amber was attacked and he mentioned her back in the room." I looked over at her to gauge her reaction, wondering if I should just spill the beans. I had become so close to her this year, she was practically my best friend, well after James.  

"I knew Amber had been attacked, but wow, just wow," she breathed out. I knew at that moment that I could have gotten away with it. I could have left it at that, but of course I didn't.  

I'm pretty sure I can't just let myself get away with anything. 

"I have something to tell you, and you're probably going to hate me," I sighed, here we go. "The club that Jameson is in charge of hosts these games every year. In a nutshell, it's a competition to see who has the most game among the boys. They have to get with as many girls as possible, like date and such. They get more points if the score with the girls." 

"Oh my god Carlie, that's disgusting," She interrupted. 

"Oh, it gets worse," I sighed. "I am in charge of scoring said games."  

Janessa turned her body so that she was facing me, her faced was a mask of surprise mixed in with disgust. I expected that. She positioned herself right in front of me and then smacked me across the face. 

I did not expect that. 

"How could you?" She yelled.  

My hands immediately flew up to my face and I cupped the cheek that she assaulted.  

"Oh, damn it, Carlie I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have done that," She rattled off, pulling my hands away and checking the damage, "Seriously girl, why did you do that?" 

"It's a long story, but it started with owing Jameson a favor. I probably could have quit before this year, but I just felt like I owed him this one last year," I sighed. "I actually quit right after I punched him." 

"Alright, what does this have to do with Blane?" 

"He's in the games. His job was to make it harder on the other boys to score. I would send him, and four other guys the names of girls that the other ones were going for. So, he knew every girl that was being targeted, but so did at least 4 other people. When the girls started turning up black and blue, and I realized they were with some of our guys, I started looking into it." I let out a huge breath. I had forgotten to breathe during my explanation. "The only thing that's weird is that Blane was with me one time when a girl was beat up." 

"Did you tell Jameson?" She asked. 

"Yeah, of course I did, but he said I had no proof." I said, throwing my hands in the air. "I ended up telling Jason everything, and then he started helping me and James research the boys, but the attacks stopped and I was stuck at a dead end." 

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