Chapter 20

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Don't ever Google 'How to seduce a douche bag into doing what you want.' Turns out, it doesn't help.  

I have never tried to seduce anyone. I have never purposefully flirted with anyone. I'm pretty much a virgin to everything. I don't think I have ever worked for a guy's attention. I didn't really care, so I never felt the need.  

Now, I kind of regret not being a little sluttier. Past experience would have come in handy. Seriously, what if I get so nervous that I fart? That wouldn't go well, and I'm a nervous farter. Just pops out, no warning.  

James was no help either. When I asked him how I was supposed to seduce someone, he just laughed. Like a lot. Like so much that he choked. Is it really that funny? Nope, it really isn't.  

I stood in front of the mirror, eying the awful outfit that James helped me pick out. Yeah, I resorted to asking him for help. I couldn't ask Janessa; that would lead to way too many questions.  

I wore a black mini-skirt, white tube top, and white gladiator sandals. I didn't own heels, I don't do heels. My make-up was light and my hair was curled to perfection. I even shaved my legs! Everything about my appearance screamed sex, except the look in my eyes; those screamed frightened virgin.  

"God, I'm gonna suck at this," I whined.  

"Carlie, you look hot. As long as you don't mouth off, I'm pretty sure you'll be fine," James said. 

He had dutifully sat on my bed the whole time I was getting ready. It was a good thing Janessa wasn't clingy, cause he had been spending a lot of time with me, and I didn't know what I would do without him.  

"Easy for you to say, you've been a slut your whole life." 

"Ouch," he said, clutching his heart, "That hurt me to my very core, Carlie. Not cool." 

"Sad story," I shrugged. Picking on James was the only thing keeping me sane. I took every jab at him that I could. He laughed at most of them, but I think that was because he wasn't really listening. He had been texting Janessa the whole time. Whipped, that's what that is. 

"Carlie, it's six." James pointed out.  

The whole day at school, I had been dreading the moment that the clock said six. At six I had to leave my room and make a very shameful walk to Mr. D's room.  

I searched Mr. D out first thing that morning and told him that I needed to talk to him. I made sure to tell him that I wanted to speak privately so that Jason wouldn't be there to witness my downfall. That's what was about to happen; I was about to crash and burn.  

Alright Carlie, quit being a little bitch. Ha! That was cute right? 

"Carlie," James pressed. 

"Ok," I said, swinging around in his direction. He wasn't even looking at me. He was texting, while lying on my bed, all comfortable. While I was stuck in Sluts R Us clothes, he was chillin in basketball shorts and a t-shirt. Jerk off. 

"Go," he said, finally looking up. 

"Will you walk me?" I pouted.  

"I can walk you to Janessa's door." 

"That's like two away," I whined. 

"Sad story," he smirked.  

I grabbed the pillow out from under his head and smacked him in the face with it.  

Usually that would have started an all-out pillow war, but not tonight. He was all business. So instead of allowing me to postpone any further, he stood up and pushed me out the door. Then, just for good measure, the little bitch stayed in my room and locked me out.  

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