Chapter 9

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Well, to say the whole kissing thing went over like a lead balloon, would be an understatement. It went over like a lead balloon attached to a lead basket, by chains, while a killer whale sat in it. In other words, shit hit the fan.  

Jameson picked me up off of Jason with one fricking arm! I thought I went all Hulk style when I was mad, no I was a mouse compared to him. He started yelling about something stupid, while Jason stood there with a small smile on his face. He wasn't even fazed.  

I had never seen Jameson so mad, it was like he had another evil person hidden inside him, and we all got to meet him. Total Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde moment for him. He was so angry we couldn't understand a thing he was saying, well I couldn't anyways.  

Then, he just flipped the switch, calmed down, said he would talk to me about it later and left. That boy needs to be on pills.  

I was currently getting ready for my date with Jason. Yeah, I still went through with it. I couldn't just bitch out because Jameson threw a fit. No, I had to show him that I wasn't his to boss around. I knew I had feelings for him, but I didn't want them. I had hated him for too long, I couldn't just switch over to the dark-side. 

I pulled on a pair of white skinny jeans and paired them with black heeled boots. Then I grabbed my favorite sheer purple top and pulled my hair up. I left my bangs down and swooped to the side. I finished my look off with a light layer of make-up and a spritz of perfume.  

"I have a date tonight!" Amber yelled as she flew through the door.  

"Awesome," I smiled. I really could not have cared any less. Maybe it would have been different if I actually liked the girl, but no, I didn't like her.  

"I have to find something to wear, oh maybe that pink dress!" She squealed excitedly.  

"No!" I yelled. She couldn't wear the pink dress. I couldn't even wear the pink dress. It was tight in all the wrong places, a hot pink mess. She would look like a busted bottle of pepto. I had reached my limit. "You can't wear that hideous thing, number one. Number two, I'm going to tell you something that I should have told you a long time ago, you ready?" 

"Yeah, what?" She sat down on the edge of her bed and her stomach rolled over the top of her jeans, making me even surer about what I was doing.  

"You look like crap, like all the time. Your clothes don't fit you." 

"Carlie!" She yelled. 

"No, listen. You are not fat, but the way you dress makes you look that way. Buy clothes that fit you and I guarantee you will get more dates." I said calmly. This was an intervention.  

"My clothes do fit me," She said sadly.  

"No, they don't. They are too tight and you look stupid. Oh, and calm down on the make-up, it's only making your acne worse."  

"Why are you being so mean?" Her eyes began to fill up with unshed tears. No crying, I hate crying! 

"I'm helping you, now would you like my assistance in getting ready for this date?"  

She bobbed her head up and down like a small child. 

"Go shower, I'll pick out your clothes." 

While Amber cleaned herself, I began to search through every article of clothing she had. I finally found a mini skirt that I thought would fit her nicely and then pulled out one of my own loose tops. It was white and lacy. I paired the top with a black tank top and pulled out a pair of flip flops. Whoever she was going out with, was going to thank me.  

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