Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

*Lily's POV*

I woke up with my head pounding. My entire body felt heavy, and I attempted to wiggle my fingers but even that small motion felt impossible. I forced my eyes open and tried to scan my surroundings. I was in the middle of a small prison cell. The only light came from a small window on the door to the makeshift prison. It looked like there was a small walkway in front of my cell so someone could still stand inside without being inside my cell. I was laying on what felt like a metal slab.

At first, I thought that my arms felt so weighed down by the drugs, but when I tried to lift my arms, I felt something cold and hard cut into my wrists. I was able to twist my head and see shackles around my wrists. Chains dangled down connecting me to the floor. My arms were outstretched and dangling over the edge, but there was no way for me to move them to a comfortable position. I could already feel my fingers starting to go numb and I wiggled them as much as I could. Next, I tried to move my legs. Thankfully my legs were free. It didn't do me too much good since my arms were so restricted on either side of me there was no way I could move my body. I lifted my knees up testing my range and was able to pull them all the way to my chest before laying them back on the metal bed.

I took a deep breath and blinked my eyes hard hoping to have the sleep from the drugs go away. I stretched my fingers out looking for any element that I could bend to help me out of this situation, but I was surrounded by metal. I briefly heard a gust of wind slam against the door, but I quickly calmed down. Creating a storm outside did me no good if I was chained up in here.

I could faintly here talk outside, but I couldn't discern what was being said. I closed my eyes and tried to conserve whatever energy I had for whatever was about to happen. I couldn't have had my eyes closed for more than a few minutes when the door swung open. I leaned my head back bending my neck in an awkward position that sent an ache down my spine.

"Well, well. Look who has finally decided to grace us with her awareness." I could barely make out the shape of three bodies and easily recognized Henry's voice as the one speaking. I moved my lips trying to speak but my mouth and throat were so dry that no words came out. "Are you going to make this easy or are we going to have to convince you of our cause?"

My eyebrows furrowed together, and I forced the words "What cause?" out with some difficulty. I knew I didn't want anything to do with any cause that Henry probably had in mind, but I also needed to know what he was planning.

"You see my grandfather was the original and rightful Alpha of the pack you would have called home. When my grandfather went to your mother and her mate asking that we combine the packs they insisted on a war for even recommending it. My grandfather was pushed out and the pack fell apart. Some members were allowed refuge with your grandfather's pack. At first my mother was deemed an innocent. Then they found out she was pregnant. A seventeen-year-old who was with child. Whose family had been killed fighting a war. Who had nowhere to go? She was pushed into the forest to fend for herself. Now here we stand. I am proposing that you use your powers to make this all-right light your mother should have done years ago.

'With you by my side I could take back my pack. We would even dispose of your new little mate friend, so you have the opportunity to find someone better. You would be a beta and help lead rather than be someone's side story."

I shook my head. "You're...crazy..." I couldn't see his smile, but it was almost like I could feel it.

"Convincing it is." Keys began to jingle, and the door pushed open. The other two individuals walked to me and crouched down on either side. Now that they were closer, I could see they were two huge men. One had a scar covering most of the left half of his face. The other had what seemed to be a small M burned into his neck. Both injuries made me wince even though I didn't endure them. They were careful to avoid eye contact and solely focus on their task at hand which was disconnecting my chains from the ground. I tried to get any read of remorse off either one of them hoping that maybe I could get one of them to help me escape, but they didn't show a single crack in their dedication to Henry.

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