Chapter 11: Dinner?

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A/N: Heeeey I am back my lovlies :) Hope you enjoy this chapter. School holidays is finally here! 3 weeks!!

Sherlock's POV:||:

My foot tapped with impatience, my knee bouncing. "Does it really take this long to get ready?" I asked John who was on his website, trying to come up with a name for the case I'd solved.

""Uh I-I don't know, Sherlock. It's only been.. 5.. minutes?" He replied, checking his watch. I stood up and paced beside him. "Oh stop being stupid, Sherlock. She'll turn up". I pulled a sour face at him and returned to pacing. I heard the doorbell. Maximum pressure just over the one-and-a-half second mark. Then another just under the half-second mark. That's Alex's ring. "That's her" John and I said in exact timing. I stood a little distance away from the door but darted to a chair when I heard her footsteps. She knocked and entered. She looked.. girly.. She usually doesn't dress in a feminine manner. She's trying to impress me. I think it's working.. The dress she was wearing was burgundy and black striped with black tights and boots and her hair was in a low, messy bun with curls hanging by her face.

I smiled politely and she gave me a quizzical look. "You look very nice" I stated, striding in a circle around her.

"Indeed, monsieur" she replied. She was good with French.. Hmph. One thing I'd deleted.

"Shall we?" I implied putting a hand out. She nodded and put her hand on mine. They were freezing. She was frightened or maybe just had cold in her hands. We headed out the door and we linked arms instead.

"I thought you more of a misanthropist, Sherlock," She sighed as we walked to the restaurant, the frost coming off of her breath.

"I'm alright handling people and being around them, except for Anderson. With most people, I just end up annoying them because I find out everything about them in a matter of seconds and give them my honest opinion and then they end up hating me. Basically. The only people that can really stand me are: John, Mrs Hudson and.. you" I replied, stuffing my hands into my pockets and lingering on my last word, glancing to her.

"Honesty does do well sometimes, but then again, sometimes white lies help too" Alex added, cracking her knuckles

"Very true, very true" I replied stopping at the front of the restaurant. "Actually, do you want to go to Angelo's?" I suggested, cringing at the pompous freaks sitting inside.

"I was actually hoping you would say that and DON'T say that you knew I wanted to because you didn't anticipate it this time" said she very firmly. I couldn't help but laugh.

"I didn't know. But thank you for agreeing straight away and not fussing" I replied. She laughed and we got in a cab to Angelo's. I tried giving John a call, but it went to Messagebank. "John, give me a call when you can. You know who this is".

"Can't get onto him? I'll try Maxine, then" Alex sighed pulling out her phone. She sat there, her phone to her ear, waiting patiently as I could hear Maxine's recorded message play through. "Maximus Decimus, ring me back whenever you're finished doing.. whatever the hell it is that you do and CHANGE.YOUR.DAMN.MESSAGE!" and hung up.

"She not answering either?" I stated simply, turning my gaze from the window.

"Nope. Probably out with John, having KFC or something" She replied curtly. I nodded in understanding and turned my gaze back to the window and we finally arrived. I stepped out first and offered a hand for her to take.

"M'lady" I greeted, trying to annoy her. She gave me a sneer/grin and took it, as she got out she tripped over the gutter and fell into my arms. She gazed up at me with a sheer look of embarrassment and I smiled at her reassuringly. "Are you alright?" I laughed nervously.

"Yes!" She jolted, jerking upright and straightening her dress. I put a hand on her back and guided her in before me and she got a table near the window. I sat down opposite her and got us drinks. I noticed her fingers tapping impatiently, not for our drinks but for something else. Something was troubling her. I didn't ask even though I really wanted to, I want to know. I need to know. She looked from the window to me, noticed my concerned look and answered my unspoken question. "I'm trying to remember the tune to a song, I need to know it so I'm back-tracking".

"Oh," I mumbled. I watched her fingers play as if they were playing on a piano, her brow furrowing, trying to think. "Is it 'Til I Hear You Sing?' ".

"Yes. What do the 3rd and 5th verses sound like?," She replied, confused on how I knew the song but focused on me. I hummed as I played it on my air violin for her. "That's right.. Thanks.. How-"

"How did I know the song? John dragged me along on one of his dates when it was at the West End, the chick was an absolute loon" I sighed and leant back as the waiter gave us our drinks. Alex nodded and took a sip of her ginger beer.

"So.. any interesting cases lately?" Said she, breaking the silence.

"Not really, all the same. Dead person, 'mysterious death' so they say but it's highly obvious, sometimes I don't understand how they can be so oblivious to everything! I mean, it's right there! Right under their noses!" I said blatantly, causing a few people to turn and Alex to give me a stern look and I cooled down a bit.

"I know right, you just want to give them a big whack across the head... ," She replied, resting her chin on her hand. I smirked and moved back as our dinner was brought out. "But we didn't-" She began.

"I know what you like" I finished for her and smiled slyly. She nodded and laughed softly. I didn't have anything to eat, I never do. Alex didn't have much either, I've noticed she hasn't been eating much lately, maybe she's becoming like me.. someone I can share experiences with. Alex ended up paying and I was arguing with her about not letting me pay and we hopped into a cab and arrived home.

I stepped out and leaned against the cab, giving the driver the money then waiting near the door. She gave me a tired but hapy smile and walked in first. We arrived at the top of the stairs and walked in to 221B and sat on the lounge. "Thanks for dinner, Sherlock. I enjoyed it" Alex smiled.

"No problem. Um.. coffee?" I said as I walked to the kitchen.

"No thanks, I'm heading back to my apartment. I'm tired," She politely refused, though she edges towards me and not the door. She was standing in front of me then gave me a quick peck on the cheek and called "Night, Mr Holmes" and shut the doors quietly.

" was it?" John mumbled from the lounge. I didn't reply, I just stood where I was, a growing smirk appearing on my face. Turns out, somebody loves me.

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