Chapter 28: An actual case.

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So hey guys. Let me just say, thank you so so so much! 25k reads oh my goodness! Thank you so much! I didn't think anyone would actually read this! I'm so grateful for all of you who comment, read and vote for 'Sherlocked'. I love you so so so much!

I'm so sorry it's taken me so long to update but I'm trying my hardest. I won't make updates as often as I used to but I still will!

Much love

-Remi xxx

Alex's POV:

--3 months later--

A funny thing, peace. It's so fragile, like glass. One small thing, one tiny little minuscule thing can agitate any microscopic fragment of peace.

Fate decided that our apartment building would be the most chaotic, mystery-filled residence in all of London.

This morning started out peaceful. Then it spiralled into complete pandemonium.

I was sitting by the window, as per usual, reading the paper. I like newspapers, unlike most. Natalie wandered out, the blue light of her iPod illuminating the room, seeing as it was 4:00 in the morning.

"What are you doing up?" She mumbled, still waking up.

"Couldn't sleep" I practically said to myself. Natalie proceeded to the kitchen and made herself a cup of coffee and came back to the lounge.

"Anything interesting in the paper?" She asked.

"Not much.. Just that athlete that killed his girlfriend, there's speculation on whether it was an accident or not," said, lacking emotion. "Oh good, they caught him"

"Caught who?"

"The man who lit that flat fire" I informed her, skimming the pages. One thing caught my eye, though..

"A NEW Dark Lord Rises?"

'A young man has been found dead near a school in London's south last night. A frightening discovery was made by the forensics team whilst investigating. Painted on the wall that the young man was leaning against, was a message, similar to one found in the second book of the Harry Potter series; 'Enemies of the heir, beware' and the chilling discovery forensics made was that it was written in the young man's blood. The skilled police force of Scotland Yard are now investigating who could've done this.' "

"Blimey Charlie..." I sighed to myself.

"What is it?" Natalie asked, coming over. I showed her the paper and her eyes widened. "Wow. That's a bit..."

"Yeah" I mumbled. I heard a knock on the door and of course, it was Sherlock; newspaper in hand and a grin on his face.

"The game is back on!" He exclaimed. Natalie and I looked at each other in concern; we could only imagine what's going on in that brain of his. "Isn't this brilliant?"

"Sherlock, dear, remember: whenever YOU get a case, SOMEONE ELSE is dead.. I wouldn't really class it as brilliant" I told him, folding up my paper.

"Oh.. bugger off, I have a case" He mumbled, skulking back off to his flat.

"He's a bit of a worry" Natalie whispered to me, sipping her coffee.

"I agree completely"


It was now late in the afternoon and of course, Sherlock had been called down to Scotland Yard.. and I had been also.

"Alright you two, you've got that 'Harry Potter' case down south so I'll get a taxi for you and you can head down there and scope it out" D.I. Lestrade instructed us.

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