Chapter 14: Ew. Socialising.

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Hallow everyone c: I hope you still love me for not updating in months but I can't think of anything good to write and I don't want to bore you! Because you'd end up shooting a wall or something. LOVE YOU HOPE YOU ENJOY!!! <3

Alex's POV:||:

I'm feeling super hyper this morning. I'm usually hyper but I feel super pumped about something that I can't put my finger on. Maybe it's because I got up at the crack of dawn and continued my own Disney marathon and had sour worms and chocolate. Oh well, c'est la vie. "Good morning!" I beamed to Natalie who gave me a look to say shut up but I just smiled and proceeded on to the kitchen to make myself a cup of tea. I yawned as I stirred my tea and sped over to the lounge room to sit. "Where's Maxine?" I asked Natalie as I flicked on the tv.

"She's still asleep" Natalie slurred drowsily, still trying to wake up. I nodded and watched the news. All the same stories. Weather updates, many soft news reports, no breaking news. Oh well. I got up and showered, got changed into a red and blue flannelette shirt, blue jeans and black boots.

"I'm gonna head out and buy some stuff, you want anything?" I asked Nat, she simply shook her head and smiled softly. I nodded and grabbed my wallet and phone and proceeded out the door. I trotted down the stairs only to run straight into Sherlock. "Oh, hello" I smiled, stepping back so I could see him. He nodded and smirked.

"What's on your mind? Are you just daydreaming again?" He asked.

"N-no, I was just watching the steps so I wouldn't fall down the stairs," I replied in a matter-of-factly tone. He nodded and gave a look that said 'sure you were'. I scoffed and marched ahead of him, flicking my ponytail at him. I heard him splutter and try to whack my ponytail out of his face and I laughed. "Where are you going anyways?" I asked, waiting for a cab as he arrived beside me.

"Where do you think?" He replied flatly. I could tell he was being rhetorical. I pull a mocking face and sneered as went to step into the cab, but Sherlock pushed me aside playfully and tried to get in the vehicle himself. We shoved each other out of the way until I managed to get into the vehicle and I shut the door and wound down the window.

"Ha-ha, that's what you get for being a smart arse. Get the next cab" I smirked telling the driver to go to the supermarket. He sneered and quickly turned on heel to catch the cab parked behind mine. As I was being driven to the supermarket, I began to think:

'Sherlock has been a bit more lively and fun than usual. Kind of like a big brother who wants to play games. Like Jim and I used to. I wonder what's gotten into his brain that's made him go weird'.

The cab finally stopped and I got out, handed the driver the money and walked into the shops. I bought chocolate and lollies for Nat, Maxine and I for later and I also bought us tea and iced coffee. I grabbed some biscuits as well. I paid and then I decided I'd walk home to save some money. It took time, but it let me think. Just about life and all that joyous crap. As I approached 221 Baker Street, I heard yelling from what sounded to be Sherlock and John's flat. I quickly hurried up the stairs to check if everything was alright and knocked on the door.

"Sherlock? John? Is everything alright?" I asked, frowning slightly and looking to the ground.

"Y-yes! Everything is- FINE! Isn't it Sherlock?!" John shouted, the breaks in his voice sounded as though he was strangling something.

"Do I need to assist in... whatever the hell it is that you're doing in any way?" I asked, just to be polite.

"No! No! We're fine!" Sherlock's voice struggled. I nodded and made my way to 221C and clicked open the door.

"Hall-ow?" I called, to see if Nat or Maxine were home.

"Yeah?" Maxine answered from the lounge room. I dumped my stuff on the table and went over and sat next to her.

"Where's Natalie?" I asked, leaning back in the chair and resting my hands on my knees.

"At the library or something, I think" Maxine replied. I nodded and looked to what she was watching.

"Why are we watching this crap?" I asked, pointing to the tv. She shrugged and I took the remote off of her and changed the channel and it landed on Broadchurch. "That's better". Maxine pulled out her phone and had no concern for what was on tv. I watched the episode through and then turned the tv off all together. I grabbed an apple from the counter and pulled out my phone also. 2 new messages.

'Sherlock Holmes:

"In the mood for tea?


'John Watson:

"Hey girl hey :) '

I smiled and texted John first.

'Hai boy hai :D what's up?'

I left it a couple of minutes to go get a movie and put that on, then I text Sherlock back.

'That depends. Do I have to go anywhere?'

---10 minutes later---

'John Watson:

"Nothing really, I have cake, want me to come up?"

'Sherlock Holmes:

"No. We can go to your flat. If that's appropriate enough for you


I laughed at Sherlock actually checking if it's alright to come barging in. He's been very polite lately. AND showing a good sense of humour. Maybe he's ill? I dunno but.. I like it. I decide rather than texting, I'll just tell them in person. I march to the door, swing it open, grab a tennis ball and I stand /just/ outside the door and aim up then peg the ball at the door and duck as it rebounds off of the door and I yell at the top of the lungs 'YOU CAN COME OVER IF YOU WANT BOYS!!" and I saunter back into my flat. About 15 minutes later, John meanders in with Sherlock trailing a bit after him.

I look at them and I can't believe what John's wearing. He's wearing a beige sweater with a hedgehog on it and I burst out laughing. I look at John while I'm laughing and he gives me a surly look and I looked to Sherlock who had a smug look on his face, clearly trying not to laugh. Maxine makes me move and go stand with Sherlock because she wanted to sit with John. John gave Maxine his jumper, and said she could keep it. I laughed quietly to myself while I was making the drinks. "Muffin?" I say to Sherlock, holding it out to him. He smiled in thanks and gently took it. "You've been acting weirdly lately, is something the matter?. He made a face as if he was thinking, and nodded, picking at the muffin.

"Sort of.. I've had a funny case over the past week and it's been a bit.. a bit different than usual. It's not a murder, it's more like.. personal stuff.. Stuff from my childhood, like some of Mummy's stuff" He explained, putting little pieces of muffin in his mouth and sitting on the stool at the counter.

"Oh, I see. Anything other than that?" I asked, handing him over his cup of tea and getting my chai latte. He smiled curtly in thanks and took a sip. I took a sip of my drink and then heard my phone ring. 'Beauty Underneath' from 'Love Never Dies' ring out on my phone and I pulled it out to see Jim ringing. "Do you mind if I get this?" I asked Sherlock, and he nodded curiously. I'd then noticed that I'd used a bit of an Irish accent. Crap. I smiled politely and answered the phone.

"Hello?" I asked, walking away from Sherlock to near the fridge.

"Hello?," The voice at the other end of the line mimicked, not in a happy tone either. "Where are you, you were supposed to meet me for afternoon tea half an hour ago!" The anger clear in his voice.

"Look I'm sorry but I got caught up" I apologised, scratching the end of my eyebrow.

"You're with Sherlock aren't you... AREN'T YOU?!!" He now screamed, causing me to move my ear away from the phone.

"They only came over for tea" I replied.

"I'd better see you in the next 30 minutes, Alex. No arguments. Goodbye" and with that he hung up. I growled and shoved the phone into my pocket.

"Is.. Everything alright?" Sherlock asked, craning his head to see my face.

"Yeah, yeah, everything's just dandy," I replied sardonically, sneering. "I have to go, I'll be back in a bit"

"What? Where are you going?" Sherlock asked following me like a puppy dog.

"Out, I need some air" I growled as I stormed out. I slammed the door behind me, not caring if I hurt anyone's feelings. I reckon I could kill Jim sometimes if I had the chance.


She's late. I haven't seen her in so long and she doesn't even turn up. I'm going to skin her. I drummed my fingers on my knees and I took a sip of my water. About 4 minutes later she walked through the door. She was dressing like a country bumpkin. Good job. "You're late, Alex" I growled, standing.

"It's lovely to see you too, Jim" She replied, just as angry as me and sat.

"Why are you dressed like that? Who gave you the idea?," I asked, gesturing to her clothes. "Where are all the pretty dresses you've got?"

"I got the idea from Sheytoons, dur," (Sheytoons being one of her little bands) "and I do wear dresses I just couldn't be bothered putting one on". I huffed and ordered a cappuccino and Alex ordered a custard tart and chai latte. "So what did you want?"

"Well, I wanted to see my sister I haven't seen you in a while" I replied.

"James, we have spent 3 months apart and you only saw me once. There is a particular reason for this" She pressed on. She was clearly pissed off. Even though I'm older than Alex by a fair bit, I still am a bit frightened of her when she's angry. She's sometimes angry than me and that's saying something. But hey, she has the short fuse of the Moriarty's.

"Are you connected with Sherlock Holmes by any chance?" I asked

"Yeah, I live in the flat below him and we're good friends...why?"

"Does he know we're related?" I asked giving her a curious look.

"Probably yeah but I'm not sure" She replied leaning back as the waiter brought out her drink and cake.

"Alright then. That's all I wanted to ask" I smile softly at her.

"Don't you smile at me James Moriarty, I'm not happy" She snarled, practically stabbing her cake. I've definitely pissed her off. Great. That's the last thing I need. I sighed and just decided to drink my cappuccino. It took us only a mere 15 minutes to finish everything up. Of course, we had an argument over who's paying and we ended up paying separately. Alex stormed outside while I followed calmly. I slid my aviators on and called a cab.

"You want a ride?" I asked her, opening the door.

"No, I'm walking home. I don't want to be near you. Goodbye James" and with that she strode off. Well, bravo Jim, you're on her bad side for a while. Oh well..

Alex's POV:

Oh my GOD I could just hit him over the head sometimes! The thick-headed git! Accusing me because I was late be did he make an effort to try and see me? NO! I didn't make an effort either but HEY! I was too frustrated to go see Sherlock and John so I returned to my flat. I tried to open the door but it was locked. I didn't take my keys. Well that was smart.

I needed my anger out. "MRS HUDSON?!" I yelled, waiting for an answer. No reply. Well...she can just put this on my rent. I glared at a spot on the wall, drew back my fist and launched it forward, punching the wall, landing such impact that I made a hole in the wall and broke my hand...I felt satisfied. Much better.

I heard footsteps coming from upstairs and I assumed it was Mrs Hudson coming from Sherlock and John's flat, but it wasn't our lovely landlady. It was Sherlock. Of course it was. "What are you doing down here?" He asked, showing a slightly concerned look as he cantered down the staircase.

"Psychopaths get angry. When I'm angry I have to take it out. At least I didn't have a gun" I replied, giving him a non-chalant look. I winced slightly as I cradled my injured hand and he noticed.

"So you.. punched the wall? Well I suppose it had it coming," He mumbled. "Come on, back up to my flat" He insisted. I nodded and followed him up. When I arrived, he was standing behind the door, holding it open for me.

"Oh.. thank you" I smiled awkwardly. I walked inside and sat at the table. I gingerly placed my hand on the table and watched as Sherlock rushed around to help my hand. He put a bag of frozen peas on it and found some bandages and strapped up my hand.

"This'll do until John gets home," He reassured me. "D-do you want anything? A drink? Food?"

"Um.. No thanks, Mr Holmes.." I mumbled as I looked around the flat

" 'Mr Holmes'? Why the need for such formalities, Alex?" He asked picking up his violin. He must've noticed I'd been staring at the violin, wanting him to play something.

"Oh.. I dunno.. Sorry" I apologised, avoiding his gaze. He began to play a familiar song.. Oh he is.. He's playing 'All I Ask Of You'. It sounded so pretty! Then.. He started to sing.. He sang Raoul's parts perfectly! Then I realised it was my turn to sing...I looked at him then looked at my feet and started singing Christine's parts. The song seemed to fly and we both lingered on the last notes. We finished and I looked back down to my hands and smiled. "That made me feel a lot better" I whispered.

I felt a hand on my uninjured one and I looked up to see Sherlock with his bright blue eyes looking into mine and him smiling. "I'm glad I could help".

Welp.. This chapter took longer to upload than anticipated.. hope you liked it c: vote, comment and do whatever else most of those swaggy people do on here bye gurl byee xx

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