Chapter 20: A More.. Permanent Destination

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Well hello there monkeys! So.. I'm gonna go hide in a hole so you don't kill me.. You'll soon find out why.

-Love you forever Remi xxx


-a week later-

Sherlock's still working on his case. He says it's "completely and utterly irrelevant to anything, it's child's play" , but that's how this psychopath wants to play. Sherlock says the psycho's giving him clues.. Grimms Tales. He'd received a book, John got breadcrumbs and he said that something at a crime scene was strange and that Jim came over to have tea with him.

"Oh great," I sighed, rolling my eyes. Sherlock handed me an apple on a knife. "What's this?"

"Turn it" He mumbled, grabbing my hand and guided it. As he turned it, the apple had "I O U" carved into it.

" 'I O U'? What does he mean by 'I O U'?," I mumbled, studying the apple. Sherlock didn't say anything. "But you'll find out" I'll reassured him, pecking him quickly on the lips. He smirked and nodded.

~~~A couple of days later~~~

I was in the lab, burning marshmallows over a Bunsen flame, (I know, I shouldn't because it could be contaminated) and popped it into my mouth. I began to sing "My Friends" from Sweeney Todd and ran my finger over the rim of a beaker.

I heard John storm out of room next to me and kick through the roor. "You're boyfriend is a MACHINE!!! I don't know HOW you put up with him! You're the only one he contributes his 'emotions' to!!" And with that, he left. I went to see Sherlock.

"What are you doing, sweetheart?" I asked him, putting my hands on my hips.

"I've done nothing" He replied coldly.

"Alright" I reply. What's got him in a bad mood?

"I'm thinking" He said as if to read my mind. Oh. Of course.

"I'll leave you to your thoughts then" I replied, turning on heel and leaving. I headed home and rested for a bit. It's been a while since I've actually just sat and rested.

4:00pm? I think I'd fallen asleep because I was woken by my phone. It was John. Why would John be calling.

"Alex.. Alex get down here. Now" He sounded like he's been drinking and crying.

"Alright. One, where are you? And two, what's the matter, what's wrong?" I asked standing and chucking my lab coat on. All I got was cries and muffled arguments in the background.

"St. Bart's. And. And. They're dead"

"Dead? Who's dead? John, who's dead?" I replied hastily. Oh please God, don't let it be those two. PLEASE don't let it be those two. He didn't reply.

As I got into the taxi, I sat in shock. Sherlock and Jim. They're..

The trip seemed to go all too quickly. I stepped out slowly and it seemed to go in slow motion. John seemed to stumble over to me, a strong wind holding him back from coming to get me. He took my arm and lead me toward Bart's. He took me over to the footpath where I saw a body. His head lying in a pool of scarlet red blood. "Sher..." I tried to make out before John began to hold me back. My knees gave way and tears began to pour down my cheeks, I couldn't hear my mournful wails but I knew I was. John was supporting me, he had my in a lock grip.

"Alex.. Alex come on, we need to go to the roof" He whispered into my ear. He lead me into Bart's and everyone was standing outside their offices and watching me walk up to the elevator. John and I said nothing the whole elevator ride. It was silence. Pure silence. Then we reached the door. I held myself together and walked out the door to the roof and saw a body, from the head was a river of blood.

"Oh... God" I huffed out, turning away from Jim, breathing out heavily and running a hand through my hair. John took my hand and lead me to a taxi. We arrived home in a short while. John held my hand the whole way home.

We got into 221B and Natalie had found out. She was sitting on the couch with Maxine beside her. When they saw John enter and me come in after him, they all stood. I walked over to Natalie and just hugged her. I don't know how long we hugged for but.. We're "sisters", so we didn't care. I sat in the chair beside Sherlock's armchair and put a hand gingerly on the arm of it. How could he gone? Both of them?

My boys.. They're gone. Both gone..

Ooookaaaaay that hurt Remi's feelings oooouch :( so.. I'll probs update after Christmas so that gives me a while to write love you guys xxxx

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