Chapter 3 ~ Prisoner

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Aphmau's POV

I stood, frozen, and hesitant to do anything. Garroth drew his sword, and was utterly ignored.

Zane looked at me, "Not attacking me upon sight?" I stayed silent, hesitant to do anything. My dream gave me a whole new aspect of life. Garroth edged closer to me, but I barely noticed. Zane continued, "Why?"

I stayed still, but replied, "Because I believe that somewhere, you have a heart. And that you love your brother, and don't want his head on a stick."

He smirked, "I payed someone to send you that dream you know. That dream is the true essence of my feelings, from your perspective."

"But if you do want Garroth alive and happy, why do you keep trying to kill him?"

"Because I don't have-" He stopped short, and the sanity that he was showing disappeared, "Your soul!" He drew a sword and lunged at me. Jumping in front of me, Garroth began to battle with his brother. It was an even game, but Laurance, being behind him with Sky, who was holding 'The Adventures Of Bacon Man And The Breakfast Brigade {Volume 7}'. Laurance joined in, and together, my guards were able to easily overpower the high priest. Eventually, he was out cold and in our prison.

Garroth, Laurance, Sky, and I looked at him through the bars. Dante was on his way to guard the cell, and Nicole took over the wall. This was our conversation:

Me: How did he even get through the gate? Laurance, you were supposed to be guarding it.

Laurance: Well, Nicole called and said she saw something and needed help (it was a false alarm by the way) so I asked Sky to watch the gate for a few minutes while I went to help Nicole, and it didn't look like anyone was going to be coming through the gate.

Sky: This guy came and said he would take me to get The Adventures Of Bacon Man And The Breakfast Brigade {Volume 8}, his treat if I let him in. So I let him in. Volume 8 is when the Cereal Killer comes! *babbles on about his comic book; nobody listens*

Me: *sigh* Laurance, you must remember, these guys have fallen down many stairs since elementary school.

Laurance: I shall remember that...

Garroth: What bothers me is the fact that Zane said he needed something that he didn't have. I know it wasn't anyone's soul, or he would have had a soul stone.

Me: I agree.

Garroth: I guess we'll have to wait until he wakes up. We can question him then.

Laurance: Agreed

Dante: *He just walked in* Hey what's up?

A/N-- Hey!

Am I the only one bothered by the fact that autocorrect doesn't think Garroth and Laurance are words? They're names, so take back you dotted red line. Aphmau is the same way, but it makes more sense for her...I mean, Aphmau isn't a very common name...

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the chapter and I will see you next time.




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