Chapter 14 ~ I'm Sorry, I Was Afraid

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I will say this right now, there will only be three chapters left in this book. As you're reading this, I will have come out with a four part update, three chapters in this book, and one in the next part, the first book being called, The After. (There is a really good chance that I'll leave you with a cliffhanger after this chapter though...) As expected, there will be this chapter, next chapter, and the epilogue of this book, and the prologue in the next one. Just so you know what will be going on for the next bit. Also...plz don't kill meh...

Laurance's POV

That's it. I can't handle the secrets anymore. I'm going to tell Faith about what I am. I know I would want to know these things if I was in her shoes.

But that doesn't mean I'm not afraid of what she'll say.

I decided to start by asking her to meet me by the lake when I got off duty for my lunch break. At, guess when, lunchtime. Nobody could've ever guessed that lunch break was at lunch. Nobody. Ever. At all. In the history of history. (Oh my Irene we're like, 3 sentences in and there is already more writers block in this chapter than salt in the Dead Sea like, this is a problem my gawd)

When lunchtime came around, I immediately went to the lake, preparing myself for the events to come. I paced around, nervous as can be. I ran my fingers along the small sign at the edge of the lake.

Tsumetai Kokoro
(Cold Heart)
The Legend Of Adara

I've heard of the legend of Adara, but I don't know it by heart. Something about not being as beautiful on the inside as you are on the outside. There was a girl named Adara in the orphanage in Meteli. She was...strange. She always claimed to see things that other's couldn't see. And she wasn't bothered by anything. One time she got into a fight with another girl, and her opponent, being angry, said, "I'll kill you."

Adara then proceeded to look the other girl straight in the eye and say, "Death is a state of mind. You are not dead until you no longer can feel any love, and you give up." (This whole flashback may or may not be my tribute to Fran Bow...) Come to think of it, that was really weird, coming from a seven-year-old child.

Anyways, I heard footsteps behind me,many I turned around to see Faith running towards me. She stopped short of me, and smiled at me, the biggest, cutest, smile a person had ever given me. It made me feel guilty, that I had kept what I was a secret from her for so long.

"You wanted to talk to me?"

"Yeah...actually, Faith, there's something I need to tell you, that I didn't before." I wanted nothing more than to tell her to forget about it, and run away. But I kept telling myself that I was just going to make it worse with each second I stalled myself, and that made me hold my ground.

"What is it?"her expression changed completely, and she began to fidget with her bracelet.

"I' a shadow knight." Silence filled the air, not even a breeze in the trees. I hung my head in shame.

"...What...?" I looked up. Surprisingly, she didn't look angry or mad at me. She looked...hurt.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier. It's just, I really value our friendship, and...I was afraid you would hate me if you knew."

"I-I trusted you..."

I wanted to go back a tell my past self, not to hide things from her. To just tell her what I was, and not have to deal with this heavy guilt. "Faith, please don't be mad at me because I hid this from you. I don't want you to hate me-"

"Stupid." She cut me off, "I'm not mad that you hid this from me. I'm just a little hurt that I trusted you...and it seems you don't trust me back." She turned around.


She walked off. I'm sure she went to her house, and I tried knocking. But she wouldn't answer.

I went the rest of my day, not being able to focus. Blurred vision. I would stop my self from walking into things, inches away from them. I felt really bad that I had yet again, hurt one of my friends, but did I regret telling the truth?


Throughout the week, Faith would refuse to talk to me if she could avoid it, and she would spend a lot of time in her house. However, everything else seemed relatively calm

Until that night...

A/N-- Sorry about the cliffhanger! (not)
Anyways, I know I haven't updated in forever, and I'm sorry for that. But updates should be more regular now that I actually have the books...planned out...

But part one of he series is almost done! Two more chapters in this book then it's over! Crazy!

Lastly, MCD Season 2 Episode 81, anyone?

My emotions are mixed. I went from

Singing: Garroth's back! :D
To Crying: [Insert Word Of Choice] Aaron
To Yelling: SkullHailey Dixie_Awesome_Horse you could never understand the pain
To Laughing: Once again, Garroth's Back!! :D XD :)
To Partying With The KZA: Zane's Dead!!
To Fangirling: This has nothing to do with MCD but I was watching The Familiar Of Zero (season 1) and omg episode 11 killed me.

Well, I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you later.



Muahahahahahahaha my ship!!

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Muahahahahahahaha my ship!!

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